Hive Today

in #hivelast year (edited)
Hello Hives,
The Asian market time of the Hive was so exciting. We were waiting to see that Hive pump & it happened 12 hrs ago. But now I feel it was one of the largest pumps which reshaped Hive in 12 hrs.


Why Hive Pumped?

I don't know why it showed 20%+ pump in the last 12 hrs. But I think it has something with the Crypto ALPHA effect. Honestly, I don't want to see Hive price depends on the BitCoin. This outdated (1st Generation) blockchain still decides 3rd Generation token prices. This dependency should be removed. I wish Hive will remove that dependency in 2023.


Hive is 3rd Generation, High scalable, One of the fastest, Gamify, and Highly dApp supportive blockchains. So, why it depends on BitCoin market moves?

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