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RE: Hive Keychain Proposal

in #hive18 days ago

I think the blockchain is much better with keychain. That's there no matter what else I say.

I got this in my wallet. So I came to leave a reply.


The first thing that came to mind is lying bastards. Then my EGO!! took over and the thought was, If ye had of listened to me at some point over the last 6 years, you wouldn't need as much assistance to be on request.

Then I fell back to reality. The amount of HP I have on chain at the moment is feckin pittance and ultimately would make no difference to the proposal getting a yes or no.

My opinion views have always been open to the Keychain project. Never once have I refused anyone a request here on the chain. A vote to a post, helping someone getting started, because someone asked me to. The voting to a proposal because a coder requested.

Now I have gone and voted for the proposal and no I still have not read the post. I fear to read it for the thoughts it would bring. But I would like you to read on.

* * * * *

Any time I have offered feedback, it is taken out of context and a nonsensical debate begins. Here I will repeat what I have said before.

You are seeking funding. This will be continuous and ongoing. There will be a constant need for improved code and new code, updated code for hardware and new systems. So basically you are employed under contract by the blockchain to keep keychain going and improve on it. But should you fail, there is no clause.

If you have not noticed yet, the code is not what makes things happen. The code is the hinge that allows a system to bend and function.

There seems to be a goal of having HBD used in a wider ecosystem. Basically everything is there already to make that happen. But working on that is never done. If just a thing was wrote then Hive would be better, if this was done or that was done. The failed mass adoptions and retention of users.

Face it the major majority of people here on the chain are here for some financial benefit. No one is working on helping them spend their rewards.

That is what I think Hive should be building. At some point the foundation is okay to build upon.

To name what I would like to build hmmm. The crypto that ends up being used as a currency by popular demand.

A crypto that can provide mortgages.
A system that supports your keychain development beyond your current vision.
A HBD token that everyone knows HBD, but maybe they do not know where it comes from. The same like a dollar now. They do not care where it came from. They just know it can buy something.

While keychain is more secure access. I see no reason why it cannot also function with some automation for mortgage applications and similar things regarding finance. Regardless I think those are goals your code has intent to enable.

What are the chances? Someone might see see something that is a complete game changer. You might have seen this yourself, but not all the parts were considered.

All of the things your post could say it wants can be provided alternatively by the development of A FED crypto, I do not know what else to call it. A base currency that all others reflect from.

Help stabilise the HBD values. Guarantee it over time.
Increase the demand on HIVE token.
Support code development by guaranteed values.
Support development of games and specialised front ends. Sport Politics Tech blocking all other non related content.
Support for the reporters journalists in the areas that are reporting.
Many other things related to the chain.

Education water medical services research art carpentry metalwork tailoring. These are things outside of the chain that may get support. All of these things would carry the Hive emblem and registered on the blockchain. A person can check the legitimacy of the emblem on a provided website. If it is not listed on the site it is a bogus contractor, Do Not Use.

None of this is something to wait upon for someone to come along and do. The task of building those things is with the people here now. It seems like that is going to cost a lot of money. I think it would too. 33 Million or so. Now it would not take 33 Million invested. The actual amount investment would be determined by how fast things started.

An investment of 4 Million to 4.5 Million would be needed to have the growth rate required for annual increase in return. still not needed all at once and in increments it works better with the building of a local community involvement with the chain.

If you are interested to be a part of possibilities. Grab yourself some COLT token on Hive engine.
Well you know where I am if any more feedback is wanted.

I will add that in the interests of fairness. You start to decline the rewards on a post as you are being funded by the DAO. Bit of double dipping going on there.