to my recurring sycophants

in #hive2 months ago

What I am going to write to you is something that I have been thinking about for a long time about how to say it... I don't like to pretend to be what I am not and I don't like to be flattered by default either.

For some time now, my posts, although not literary masterpieces of great value, had acquired a strange amount of praising comments, usually praising the good job I had done in writing whatever the topic of the article was and regardless of whether it was simply a report from @strava2hive activity or a financial essay or a personal opinion on a topic that caught my attention...
The fact is that I have recurring "fans" in the comments section who usually tell me how well I do one thing or another...clearly looking for my clueless upvote...

I must confess that as the hours of the day go by and given the impossibility of reading or searching for posts that I like, I often tend to "give" upvotes to these characters who usually flatter me without contributing anything in return.

I have become interested in many of them in the content they produced without liking it and, consequently, without obtaining my following...

I have a few of them in my sights, and I am observing how they behave and how they interact with others...some have promising skills that I like, but others seem to simply try to make the most of the cow without contributing anything in return or even building good foundations to be able to have consistency...

Again, I repeat, I am not a great post writer either but I usually detect when someone gives me their honest opinion and when they don't...
To all these people who comment on me in search of an easy upvote, I must tell you that, although I also like to be praised from time to time, too many praises and empty comments make me suspect something that I don't like too much.


I will keep an eye on them and react negatively if necessary...

I would like to thank @hivewatchers for alerting me to some of these "flatterers" who have also been recognized for being well-known scammers (identity thief, plagiarist, spammer, etc.) and who fit very well the profile I thought of them...



Don't go too hard on your fan club Eddie 😉

😂, I’m not hard, it’s just is the third time in a month that hivewatchers alerts me on some of them

People who are working day and night creating original content on this platform and commenting daily, it is their right that they should be supported.