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RE: Hivefest - What a Time Surfista

in #hivefest8 months ago

It truly does sound amazing, and a great experience. I'm raging that I couldn't make it over this year, but fingers crossed I'll be at next years one.

I could feel the buzz from just being online, even from other people who couldn't make it.


I hope you watch the Freechain movie premier streems (linked above), I hope that next year or the year after, this will be you and your team with "Stealing is Bad" Movie!

Too right man, Stealing is Bad 2024.

I'm currently 10 minutes into the first part of the premier. Looks deadly!

Curiosty got the better of me and I wanted to watch some of the after show reactions, but I think the link for that is the pre-show again if you want to check that.

Updated, should be ok now! :) thanks xx

Sound man, going to check it out now