French Toast in the Breakfast | Mushroom Stroganoff

in #hivefood9 months ago

Happy Saturday Everyone,

The weekend vibe has been officially started with full mood. Its a blessing for the workers who spent whole week in the offices or at some other places for feeding the tummies of their loved ones. Finally, you guys got some time to spend with your family. I work from home since first day right after my masters degree so I don't have such problem to meet and greet my family on weekly basis. xD

I woke up so early today because I was restless the whole night and I do not know the reason why I was in such situation throughout the night. Now I am feeling so good after having this yummiest breakfast. This is known as French Toast along with some dry fruits. Though this breakfast isn't entirely healthy but yeah sort of due to dry fruits. <3


The other day I went to Green Valley mart where I have to do monthly grocery. I purchased Mushrooms for no reason because I didn't have anything on my mind not even scheduled that I will have to prepare something out of it. Sometimes, you bought the things that you don't need but you purchased.

Well, later on, one dish came into my mind that I can make Mushroom Stroganoff by using these 150g mushrooms. I quickly went to kitchen and prepared this dish in no time. This dish is typically served with Steamed rice. You can even enjoy this creamy Mushroom Stroganoff with your favourite pasta.


I will surely post the full recipe over here. For now, I have to do some important work at home which is pending for so many days. I though I can do this at weekend with no worries along with my hubby. Let's see when he woke up...for now, enjoy the above pictures and leave a comment if you want the recipe sooner.


"Follow @foodchunk for more such recipes"

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