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RE: Capitalizing on Bear Markets to Represent Hive: We're Building a Hive Village Experience and dApp Showcase at BREATHE! Web3 in Las Vegas

in #hivemarketing • last year

I'm quasi-anonymous but I'm a member of the strongest blockchain community in existence, and you need us at your event. We don't have a company, an address, or a CEO, but we have people shaping the world. Trust me, and give me a massive chunk of your convention to show you how."

if they don't understand that, are they really holding a Web3 convention? 😄


aren't you super correct! I will say, this is an interesting task for us, as the next wave adoption will be dApp, brand, and business driven. This is an interesting crossover of people looking for places to build, as well as people looking for new services- we want to show off that as a foundation layer, Hive is flexible and functional, as well as showing off that we have viable services and businesses already building here that have a loyal growing community that can be easily accessed with minimal integration. Almost all of the people they're dealing with specifically touch the trad-fi business or tech space in one way or another. It's an experiment, an opportunity, and a flex, to be honest, that the chain itself is coming in to show off the goods.

in the end it has to be done by apps. From what i seen of who is involved in this one, it will be a good representation of what Hive can do.

looking forward to see reactions of people there...