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RE: Capitalizing on Bear Markets to Represent Hive: We're Building a Hive Village Experience and dApp Showcase at BREATHE! Web3 in Las Vegas

hey there~ the booth layouts are set, and I still have a lot of work to do on the electrical and visual tech layouts for the overarching "Hive base layer" pavilion. However, I'm definitely looking for flash reels/promo videos for dapps, as well as helping to put together promotional portals and landers with giveaways etc. so that we can push interested parties into the onramp that suits them best. If you or one of the team in charge of that want to shoot me a message anywhere, we can chat more about it as the main ecosystem of the hive pavilion will be broken into subgroups and highlighting all of the up and coming projects!


Do you do discord? I'm bawb the builder#8755 on discord