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RE: Capitalizing on Bear Markets to Represent Hive: We're Building a Hive Village Experience and dApp Showcase at BREATHE! Web3 in Las Vegas

This is awesome, @crimsonclad! I did retail trade shows and conventions for 13 years so yes, it is a huge and ambitious amount of work, but it can also serve as a huge "tipping point" for a business/community/project! Exciting stuff!

And how cool to be able to stand up there, knowing that we're not just a brand new organization, winging it on just hopes and dreams, but a cohesive and proven almost 7-year old project!


absolutely! The decentralized space is rarely decentralized, and the more that it is, the more difficult it is to bring resources to bear effectively in a way that really highlights why decentralization matters. A mouthful and a half. Diving in on this and claiming our space among all of the other "new" and vc funded groups, as well as in Las Vegas itself which is incredibly ambitious about future web3 integration plans, is something I think it's really important to do.

If you have thoughts, tips, or anything else, please feel free to send them my way~