Episode 1236

in #humanityforthewin20 days ago (edited)

Full Metal Ox Day 1171
Tuesday 14, May 2024
Apocalypse Year Episode 1236

Broken Podcasters

Independence often, if not always, comes down to using your own resources; time & money being two major examples. These efforts are traded for results. Primarily purchasing power that will allow you to continue to operate. If you're on a quest, for example, to spread or defend "truth" or seek "justice" on someone's (humanity, or your race) behalf, and the funding dries up, then it's time for a break.
This is how the opposition tries to "break" threats to its hegemony. Censorship isn't completely about silencing dissent, it's about removing the opposing narratives from the scene & making resources difficult if not impossible to acquire.
If you're already loaded, like a Carlson or Trump, they attempt to break you with fines, lawsuits, penalties, or occupying your time in court or jail so you cannot operate.
The split in the podcasters scene, (from my perspective) happened this year when a "network" of podcasters accepted "affiliate programs" from a huge company, and others did not.
The public will not pay for media. It, the herd, will not pay enough to make an organization viable, so sponsorship is required.
That's when you're independence ends.
It's a classic operation. It's a wakeup call for Hugh. You're row boat has become a cruise ship and the passengers alone can no longer keep it afloat. You have an obligation to your crew & supporters. You can't allow the ship to sink, so you echo the message of your "affiliates" (partners, stake holders) even if you know their message isn't true. Even though you know the affiliates' messages are manipulating your base. Even if your reporting must gloss over information that could be deemed detrimental to the sponsors' agenda.
Then you're trapped. It's no different than a debt trap. You've become dependent. Addicted. A victim of the very system you'd ostensibly been warning about.
How did this happen? Because you're no different than those you criticize.

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