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RE: Still Want To Invest In AriseBank/Coin? Better Read This Reddit Post! 🚩

in #ico6 years ago

I don't know, without solid banking how can you realistically have a pegged instrument. You just can't. There is something very troubling about a trading platform offering a huge discount on "lifetime trading" in conjunction with news of banking issues spreading and dan's choice to completely disregard all the red flags. Whole thing reeks of a multi-level scam to me.


Are you talking about Lifetime subscription of Bitshares? Cause that is in no way related to AriseBank, and is only a way to gain returns from fees accumilated by the Bitshares Blockchain. And I suppose you mean Stan? Yes his endorsement is an issue if you ask me, but he doesn't speak for the majority of the Bitshares community when it comes to AriseBank.