Accidently Nuked Personal Public Discord Server...

in #klye4 months ago

Welp, clearly I didn'y have enough coffee this morning.. Was cleaning up my discord servver list and thought I'd selected another server, Deleted it, then realized it was actually my personal public discord server I'd destroyed.

While the server was not that active or popular.. any of my links to join discord over the past 5 years are now null and void.. so from this day forward there will be a new Discord server to get in contact with KLYE.. I have yet to set up the rooms and whatnot, will be doing that over the course of the next week as it's not an immediate priority. Need to remember the rooms I had in there.

Feel like an idiot.. Need to make sure I am fully awake before I do administrative work stuff.. XD

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Sorry about the deletion and creeation of a new KLYE server.. Honestly stupid that I didn't realise that I selected the wrong server... Awell, thanks for reading.

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LOL ouch. Definitely have almost clicked that once or twice myself but realized before actually clicking that I was on the wrong thing. That sucks that you nuked it but sometimes a fresh start is nice lol

Yup. I'm retarded.

Literally went to nuke a completely empty server I had made for a project I'll never have time to work on.. ended up nuking my main server. Derp.

If it makes you feel any better, I spent like 2h yesterday getting myself confused because I forgot how a fucking SQL insert statement worked. So I'm right there with ya buddy. Some days are just not brain-days.

brain not braining

See, this wouldn’t have happened if I was distracting you.