Going Out For Dinner and Charged Extra for Security

in #leofinance2 months ago

Some businesses have started charging a little extra on the bill for customers to cover security costs. Though there might be many who are not happy about the charge you are sure to find some customers who are willing to pay extra to feel a bit more security when they are going out to dinner. But with so many who are crunched with money issues and worried about inflation they might just look to go elsewhere to a business that isn't charging such an extra fee.

Are customers willing to pay for extra security? There are a variety of businesses which have faced crime and other issues, turning to private security is one of the main solutions they consider to deal with the issues. It makes sense that they would then look to pass that cost onto the customer with a fee that might be added to their bill automatically or fixed into the price of service or goods etc.

Will more businesses start charging similarly who are hiring more security? A solution like this might be better than closing up shop and taking away the business altogether, which is what we have seen already for some small businesses around the West Coast region. For those who are going out for dinner to one of the most popular restaurants they probably won't mind the little extra, or even notice it, and are probably there in the first place because they can afford to spend a few dollars. What other decision are businesses left to do when they face crime issues and want to offer a safer environment for customers and employees? More security is the standard option for so many though extra charges at places like restaurants might not have fees like this traditionally perhaps they will start to become more commonplace given the state of things.


Malls have security guards yet I don't get and extra line item for that if I have lunch in the food court. It's just a cost of doing business and built into the price. Maybe next they'll add a line item for cooking the food.