And so this years A-levels begin, and students are so predictable!

So it was the the first of three A-level Sociology exams today and one thing about running a revision blog is that you get to track student's online behaviour......

Check out the stats below, the final day is today, the exam was in the morning, so that's as many last minute hits before 8.45 on Monday as there were every day in the preceeding week...

And then twice as many on the Sunday!

Screenshot 2024-05-20 at 16.36.59.png

So as usual plenty of last minute revision going on.

I also get an idea from the blog that this is mainly students brushing up on some of the more obscure areas, rather than last minute cramming of the major areas.

I guess this makes sense, you know how it is with exams: 'have you revised this really obscure topic we never really covered'....? All of those doubts set in and so you spend a little bit of time making sure you've at least covered everything once.

And I guess this is just natural last minute panicking induced by an exam system which becomes less and less relevant year.

or maybe it doesn't? Maybe in the age of AI this is how it has to be...? It'd take some pretty sophisticated tech to assist students under written exam conditions, biotech to be sure, the kind that's integrated into glasses and ears to be able to get the scanned questions rendered as voice into yer brain.

And I think we're a few years away from that, so until then it's last minute cramming.

It's also worth noting how the hits dip at weekends... and go up during the weekdays.

It's how big data works... on average, taken all together, the aggregate is a clear pattern of students studying LESS at weekends.

Of course we all know this is to be the case. but it's confirmed here!

And then MORE at the last minute the night before the exam.

I'll see the same patterns for the second and third exams too, but just a little bit less intense as students have hit their rhythms by then!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Always that last minute revision man.... It's just pressure and tension mixed as one... It's Pression😂😂😂 if such a word exists