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RE: Offline

in #leofinance9 months ago

Now that I am not on a phone,

In her opinion, tarazkp's MO of Hive drama farming and somewhat exploitative personal storytelling doesn't give him the free pass to tell her things like he's better than her.

Where is this her opinion and what is "exploitative personal storytelling"? And Hive drama farming, really? This is what this post is, isn't it?

It's true that she's burnt out and will be staying away from Hive for a little while.

Good for her. She should look after herself better.

Just let people do whatever they want with their money. One of the many reasons why we pushed that 50/50 EIP thingie back then was just so we can anonymize our Hive Power and use most of it for distributive votes.

It also brought in 2.5 free downvotes a day, remember?

She might be doing the same with hers, who knows?

You think she is secretly a bagholder? :D

But what's wrong with just cashing out whatever she has acquired anyway?

Nothing, but what is wrong with commenting on the post? Why should those who are staked just fund people who never will stake?

"bagholders" are the staked community that make her getting any value for her posts possible, aren't they?


Where is this her opinion and what is "exploitative personal storytelling"? And Hive drama farming, really? This is what this post is, isn't it?

Nope, we just brought this up merely to say she didn't just fired her shot with zero reasons of her own. We're not familiar with your content, esp for the past few years since we've been mostly away.