May 18th The martial law forces who slaughtered and buried citizens will file a complaint with the prosecution

in #leofinance16 days ago


Airborne members confirmed and killed the victims, dragged three injured to the camp, killed two, and buried them in secret.

Sink: Lim Hee-joo / Vice Chairman of the Junam Village Residents' Self-Governing Committee

  • "We found only the two (Chae Soo-gil and Yang Min-seok) here (the 11th Airborne slaughtered and buried them secretly) and reported them, so we took only the two of them with us."

On the same day, members of the 63rd Battalion of the 11th Airborne also killed three young men with guns and swords in Songam-dong, Nam-gu, Gwangju, and then confirmed and killed them.
It is a representative case of state violence in which young people who have nothing to do with the pro-democracy movement were dragged from their homes and massacred.
The May 18 Truth Investigation Committee will push for a plan to file a complaint with the prosecution against 11 Airborne executives and nine private soldiers, the main culprits of the Songam-dong and Junam Village cases, on charges of murder.

The basis is Article 44 of the Special Act, which states, "If you are found to be guilty of a crime among the investigations, you must file a complaint with the prosecutor general."
Interview (☎): Min Byung-ro / May 18 Truth Investigation Commissioner

  • "Since it is clearly a crime against humanity and a crime of murder, we must give due punishment. How cruel they must have been at the time, the soldiers who were with them have made all their statements this time."

The agenda for accusations against the airborne troops will be decided by the National Assembly Committee on the 20th.

I'm Shin Dae-hee from KBS.

I really don't want to reflect on this sacrifice.

Shouldn't we at least denigrate and make other claims?

If you have a conscience, you will be saddened by this heartbreak
I hope you will show a mature appearance.