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RE: Licensing Steemit Content: Who Owns Your Posts?

in #license7 years ago

This was a very insightful post, as a musician and photographer, I have both kept and signed away copywrites. Often there are several layers of legal red tape. The DVD photo is an excellent example. By law, the person who checked the shutter owns the photo, not the person who owns the camera, and not the person who is in the photo. There was a recent nasty battle between Peta and a photographer because a monkey took selfies.

Then it gets a little more involved. If the person in the photo doesn't sign a release to use their likeness, although the photographer owns the copyright they probably won't be able to use the photo.

The DVD picture, contains two company logos, including one for MTV. The logos are protected by trademark law. That is where things get hairy. The photographer can put the photo up for all to use freely through Creative Commons however the logos clearly visible in the photo are not actually owned by the photographer and this can cause legal problems.


There was a recent nasty battle between Peta and a photographer because a monkey took selfies.

Wow, I'm definitely going to look into that. Thanks for the insightful comment @nashwildcard!

Thank you for taking the time to reply. The monkey got some great photos, smiling very enthusiastically.