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RE: How Much Do Looks Matter?

in #life7 years ago

I heard 'omg have you read 'trafs' latest post' from the other room..

It's 3 days old I shouted back... Found it eventually.

This is 12 @traf posts all rolled into one... shame on them for condensing laughter into one blog.

Although, I can't believe you are asking this question seriously as it's so bloody obvious as to what the answer is!


ya I figured people don't really have time to read long paragraphs and just want to get to the jokes along with a bit of trivia information on the subject

Playing around with these longer forms, not sure which direction to go

Anyway, I'm busy trying to flirt my way out of a speeding ticket...

Playing around with these longer forms, not sure which direction to go..

Always take the low road, there's way more comedy value this way 😁