Principle of the Day

in #life27 days ago

Principle; Authority without freedom is tyranny...Freedom without authority is anarchy.

.....original photography by Bleujay




Greetings Dear Readers,

Hope you are well and enjoying Spring and for those in the Southern Hemisphere...enjoying Autumn.

It is hard to imagine Spring without Tulips...just as it is hard to imagine managing through traffic without traffic control mechanisms (analogy to authority) that bring us to a complete stop or merge etc.

The two principles above are presented together as there should always be balance...whether it is applied to one's self, one's organisation, or where one resides. It is a fine line to be sure.

You may be asking...What does this have to do with Tulips?...Note in the photographs above...these tulips are harnessed as it were...constrained in a vase in order to make a lovely display, free to turn any which way....whereas moments before the tulips were without the vase... only able to present a bit of chaos.

Principles are synonymous with axioms, proverbs, and maxims.

Thank you for stopping by. ^__^

Wishing you all the best.


.....original watercolour painting by Bleujay



"Beautioos! Yoo've got th' knack sailur! 😉

Question...whit's a "Whitness Vote" ?🤔 -Keptin

Greetings Keptin,

How very kind of you to drop by with this fine compliment reply....thank you.

An interesting query indeed...

Witness vote ...with regard to I understand it to vote for a person who supports the system with a server and someone who hopefully shares your values and vision for Hive.

Wishing you and your good lady well. ^__^


Point taken. Cheers!