Bad Eye

in #life13 days ago

Hi friends,

My wife was busy getting her t-ball team ready for their game so I volunteered to take care of the field prep - the raking, watering, and lining of the field.

I was doing pretty good, but going fast. I decided to eyeball the batters box - turns out I have a bad eye:


One side of the batters box was much bigger than the other, lol. Ooops, guess I should take my time and do it right next time… or get glasses!

Thanks for coming by,


It's awesome that you guys are the ones who do these. I wonder how easy it is to fix that.

Looks like one is square, the other one is rectangle :)

This is very good because it is most important to prepare on the field, only then we can play on it. thank you @brian.rrr

The box actually really looks so big and big

You can set its design by working again

Greetings @brian.rrr ,

It makes for a good story!

Regards to your good lady.


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One of the boxes look more like a rectangle

When we do any work in the beginning we make mistakes so you can try again and correct your mistake but you have prepared the field very beautifully, many congratulations to you.

it's not a problem. you can let two players fat and thin to choose big or small box either. 🍹վ'ᴗ' ի

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But well if one should look into it, you didn't really have a bad eye