Sudden interest to whole foods and organic stuff

in #lifelast month

I had never imagined myself being interested in organic stuff until recently. There is a store, emerging and has started gaining popularity despite the expensive price of the products. I guess when people are starting to earn a good income they are starting to shift into the so-called healthy food.

I found myself checking out a store called Scoop Wholefoods Australia.

I know very little about Australia but based on my impression and observation of how locals here perceive the products to be of high quality. I'm not sure what is the truth about wholefoods or organic food but what I know is that it's certain to be more expensive than the regular products that you see in groceries.

In this store, the customers are treated in such a way that they will feel the freedom to choose and scoop the ones that interest them. Some containers are filled with dried herbs, chocolates, nuts, and available seasonings for purchase.

As expected, the prices display how valuable the products are. The healthy stuff is something that brings good value to someone's money. Well, it is. Our health is the real treasure that we can gift ourselves more than any richest in the world.

I was staring at the honey section and I realized the difference between natural honey and the commercially made honey that I see in groceries. The ones sold in groceries look very synthetic compared to the honey that are displayed in this wholefoods place.

After I checked every product that is sold in this place, I concluded what makes the price of wholefoods this expensive. It's the trust, the belief that you are buying an authentic product that your soul and body would appreciate.

A realization that I wouldn't have until I had the chance to see them in front of me.

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