The weekend is here!

in #life16 days ago

Saturdays are my excuse to sleep late at night. It serves as a break away from my everyday routine and makes a difference in the kind of outlook that I have in life.


The weekends excite me. And it serves as the pause that will help recharge for the next week's work. I think we must have something to look forward to in a week. We can't just keep working and then totally forget about our stresses at work. It also serves as a day to get full rest and be able to recover from the past week's hustling.

I'm so amazed by the people who can manage to keep a straight face even though the work is tough and requires hard work. I thought I was already working hard until I saw the other people work to such a point where their bodies were getting worn out.

I'm puzzled by the ones who can sustain their motivation regularly. The ones that don't require strong motivation and can easily adapt to the circumstances that they are in.

I'm not sure how you feel about being surrounded by a mountain of responsibilities and the obligations that come with it. As much as I want to keep pushing for things to happen, I'm taking a little break from that routine and feel a different kind of vibe. I think it's the only way to get through the tough times and stay positive about the present.

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