Yay! It’s Saturday!

in #lifelast month

Yay! It’s Saturday!


It’s a bliss whenever I’m welcomed by a morning like this. The sun is somewhere along the horizon and the sky is slowly turning from the cold astro blue into a warmer color. The contrast is just perfect during this moment in the morning.

The other thing that makes me feel excited about today is that it’s my rest day. Today is all about rest & leisure. It’s all about relieving myself from all of the stresses of a busy work life in the city. It’s the time for me to get away from the concrete jungle and have a moment with real nature.

There are plenty of other activities that I could do to make the most of this day. One of the activities that I planned is to get a haircut. My last haircut was a month ago so I already look shaggy. It’s about time for me to take care of that. It may not be much but it will still contribute to one’s overall health. For some people, they consider having a haircut a therapy. I don’t consider it that way but I do feel fresh right after a haircut session so that could be it.

The other thing that ai usually do during the weekends is to eat something healthy. I may not eat healthy food during the entire day but I will make sure that one of the meals is healthy. The kind of food with vitamins and a lot of fiber. For me, it helps with the overall health of my digestive system. I think of it as a detoxing routine.

For me, the weekends is all about relaxation, play, and making myself feel good about life.

Have a great weekend to everyone!

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