Be excited more about...

in #life5 years ago

"Don't let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning."- Robert Kiyosaki.

Be excited more about winning than you are of failing OT not being able to get the results you desire.


Many have a fail switch that they hold dearly to their hearts and with it, they make decisions based on their ability to flick the switch when they so please.

There is something magical about being afraid and also about being excited.

Being Scared.

When you are scared, you open up the floodgates of doubts and uncertainty that then erodes your mind and make you become less of who you are.

Being Excited.

When you are excited, you have that how and assurance that, nothing can possibly go wrong and even when it does go wrong, you let yourself understand what may have been the cause and then improve on it.

The path to winning is never easy and often paved with difficulties that come all out to defend itself against your resilience.

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