My Year 2022 in Review - Mental and Emotional Pain, Dark Night of the Soul, Meeting with God

in #lifelast year

Me Pondering Life's Purpose

What's up, Hive?

I know it has been a while since I posted to my blog but I plan to be changing that now and working on creating content in the Hive ecosystem while I work to promote Hive around the web and expand the reach of the network. I am writing this post to provide a little insight into my year 2022 and to talk about the amazing, and sometime horrible, things I experienced during my struggles. Also, I am writing this as a journal because I am trying to be more vulnerable and open with the world and the people in it instead of hiding behind a mask as I have done.

The Start Of My Journey

At the beginning of the year, I sold everything I had and moved to Costa Rica with my wife and our animals (a dog and a cat) to be closer to my employer. We started out in a small, but nice, AirBnb while we explored the area to find our long term rental. In February, we moved to a beautiful little home in Potrero, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. The location of the house was a bit away from town making it where we had to go everywhere by car, but, for what is was worth, it served us well.

BBQ On The Patio

During this time, I worked for a company that created a new blockchain based of EOS but with some fairly major mechanical alterations on how the chain operated and paid out inflation rewards. The blockchain UX Network, is a b2b oriented chain that focuses on creating a predictable resource cost so companies would be able to better estimate their expected overhead.

When our rental contract expired, we started looking for a new place to go and that led us to find Jaco, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Jaco has a bit of a reputation as a sex and party tourist destination, however, at the same time, it has one of the worlds best beaches for beginner surfers and advanced swimmers. Our Jaco rental was near the beach and a short walk to town which definitely made life a bit easier since we were able to walk to the places we needed to go instead of having to drive all the time.

Where It All Went South

Shortly after, my mental and physical health took a bit of a downturn. During this time, I was constantly looking for various coping mechanisms to avoid feeling the pain and depression I was suffering from. Ultimately, things became too much for my wife to handle and we separated so we could focus on our individual wellbeing and finding our purpose in this world. I harbor no ill-will or blame towards my wife for the choices she made because I understand they were made in the interest of her self preservation. When we separated, my wife took the animals with her and I felt as if a large part of my heart had been cut out. I have always formed intense bonds with animals of all kinds so losing my animals was no easy challenge to face. Nevertheless, I pushed thru and eventually found the light at the end of the dark tunnel.

Of course, this was not the end of my struggles. In fact, some may say it was just the beginning. Not long after our split, the entire crypto ecosystem experienced a major downtrend that led to my, and others, positions being cut from the company in an effort to reduce costs. So there I was, jobless, single, and questioning my place in this world.

I found myself separated, unemployed, and with no animals to soothe the mental and emotional pain I was suffering through.

Life's Challenges Help Us Grow

As they say, it is always darkest before the dawn. I believe this to be very true, at least as experienced in my life at this time. I had a choice, I could either party my life away until I was dead, or I could find a way to push thru and step into the next chapter of my life. I must admit, if not for the friends I made during this time, I very likely would have chosen the first option...

Thankfully, for me at least lol, I chose to remain strong, lean on my friends and family for support, and to keep my head down and keep working towards a brighter future for myself. I spent many days crying on the shoulders of my friends while they helped me get through the dark times. What happened to me next is nearly impossible to effectively explain with words but I will try in the next few blog posts.

If you are interested in following my story here, please keep your eyes open for the next posts where I talk about meeting my soul tribe, my meeting with God, my subsequent spiritual awakening, and the opportunities, in both work and life, presented to me by the Universe itself.

Feel free to join in on the conversation in the comments and share any tips or advice you may have for finding one's path through life. I am an eternal student of the Universe and I commit to myself to never stop learning, growing, and evolving for the better. Our time on Earth is very short and we should all do our best to live life to the fullest while sharing love, support, and kindness to everyone we encounter along the way.

Birdseye View of Jaco from Mira Mountain


Welcome back.

GREAT post man, quite a journey you've been on so far, glad to hear you're back and thank you for sharing such intimate thoughts! 💪❤️

Thanks. I am very new to this journaling and blogging experience so I definitely have a lot of room to grow here. But I actually feel a nice release when I put my thoughts and experiences out there. If even one person can learn something from what I have been through it is worth it to me.

Yep, and life experiences are everything :)