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RE: Hello Friends, First post on here, and some life updates.

in #life4 years ago

I love the side by side thing XD

I was going to say you have the internet, then saw your preference for physical books. Sounds like a good excuse to visit a bookshop to me ;D

Are you not home when your housemate cookis? Join them in the kitchen and learn that way :D

You get used to staying still after a while. My first set of cats and I used to move between rentals every 6 months (as I would only get 6 month leases due to not really knowing what was going to happen at any stage of my life). Then my parents bought a house in Perth and I moved into that and paid them (below market) rent instead and when we got to the 6 month mark all of us got a bit twitchy for a few days before settling down again XD

Now I don't want to move ever again it's a right pain lol [is a cranky old fart]


The side by side feature on this platform is amazing! I have been meaning to go to a book store and shop online like I do for most items no a days too. As far as the moving situation goes, it's crazy to me that I have been here for almost a year now. That is the longest I have been anywhere. Every once and a while I get the itch to move and start looking again. Especially now that I am working from home, living close to work and mean living anywhere. Maybe I should go live with @choogirl for a bit.