France Posts French Foreign Legion on the Ground in the Ukraine, Southfront Reports Russia Blew them up the next day.

in #life2 months ago (edited)

French President Macaroni has been ranting lately about using France's military to bolster Ukrainian forces to slow Russia's advances across the entire front. It has been reported that the rest of HATO has discouraged Micron, with Germany's Scholz even said to have threatened France militarily if they unilaterally did so. However, day before yesterday, Saturday, April 13th, there were claims the French Foreign Legion had arrived in Slovyansk, deploying engineers to improve defensive positions.

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SouthFront has reported that the following day a large explosion in Slovyansk may have destroyed those positions, and possibly the French force that was in them. France has already sent the Ukraine ~40% of it's artillery, and simply hasn't more ammunition or materiel to send. In recent years it's presence in Africa has increasingly been opposed by the African nations France has been meddling in for many decades. In 2023 it's last forces were withdrawn from Niger, it's last bastion in the Sahel. It's vast colonial presence in Africa in Algeria, Chad, and many other countries, clear down to Rwanda, where it is accused of genocide, has been evicted as coups have changed governments, and the people in the new governments have rejected French military presence.

Accusations fly that France is involved in recent military conquests of Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) territory by Rwandan forces, and the M23 'rebel' group that is strongly coordinated with Rwandan military force, kitted out in Rwandan military gear, and operating out of both Rwanda and Uganda.

Despite all it's African forces being freed up, France doesn't have many troops it can fling into the Ukraine, some estimates being as low as ~2500. Some 1500 Foreign Legion troops were said to have posted to Slovyansk, and if the reports of them being hit hard by Russia the next day, France has even fewer living troops with which to meddle in the affairs of other countries available today.

It is a good thing that HATO has announced that any forces it's member states sent to the Ukraine being targeted and killed would not trigger Article 5, since that's exactly what appears to have happened. It remains unclear why Micron is so agitated and deranged about the resolution of Ukrainian political affiliation, enough to put French troops in harm's way, but if those troops have already been removed from the battlefield at least he can't continue to try to get HATO involved in a land war in Asia anymore.

Given the paltry military force France has remaining, perhaps Macaroni can pro-actively surrender to Russia, which would enable an actually competent governor of France to be appointed by Putin (perhaps Medvedev?), and end France's suffering of Macaroni's deranged replacement of the French people with Subsaharan Africans for apparently personal reasons.

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Micron has been dogged lately by widespread claims he was groomed as a minor and his wife was his former teacher. However, there are very strong claims his wife, Brigitte Trogneux, was not born a woman, and whether or not Micron's infidelity with younger, black immigrant men, bare-chested and sweaty, with their pants halfway off while they share intense, passionate looks deep into each other's souls is problematic for their long term relationship is unknown.

The derangement of the West is no little matter. The swift destruction of French forces in the Ukraine should be a lesson to us all.


you follow Ukraine war news so attentively

and yeah, I do agree with you in >"The swift destruction of French forces in the Ukraine should be a lesson to us all"

"you follow Ukraine war news so attentively"

I am vulnerable to developments there, which are causing horrific inflation here now. Everything is interconnected and tugging on one string yanks others seemingly far removed. I need to be nimble and agile so that I am not caught flat-footed by some threat. The first rule of investing is to preserve your capital, which I have learned the hard way several times and don't want to learn again. Today the bulk of my investments are in goodwill in my community, which my community being impacted by some plague or horde of invaders would eradicate, so I keep a weather eye to such events as I am able.


Macroni is controlled by warfaring aliens!

Something is very off about that guy, so much that aliens seems plausible reason for it.


Micron has been dogged lately by widespread claims he was groomed as a minor and his wife was his former teacher. However, there are very strong claims his wife, Brigitte Trogneux, was not born a woman, and whether or not Micron's infidelity with younger, black immigrant men, bare-chested and sweaty, with their pants halfway off while they share intense, passionate looks deep into each other's souls is problematic for their long term relationship is unknown.

Dear @valued-customer !

I have always been surprised and questioned about Macaroni's marriage. Does this mean he is possibly homosexual?😨

I think your argument is plausible!😆


I think Macaroni's tendency to choose women is completely different from mine!😄

Whatever one thinks are the particulars of Macaroni's spouse, he was clearly groomed and married his teacher, which is universally considered outrageous when non-Rothschild bankers and Presidents of France are 'victims' of it.


Some East Asians argue that African countries, including Nigeria, are breaking away from European domination.
I'm curious what you think of their argument.

Many East Asians think that Africa is a European colony.

Africa does seem to be becoming independent of European influences, although it certainly isn't capable of doing so without such independence from Europe being promoted by others, such as China and Russia. While Africa was very dominated by European countries and much of it became annexed into imperial European expansions, it has gradually been extricated from such empires in recent centuries, accelerating lately as China and Russia have increased their presence and influence. In many ways, the decolonialization of Africa has been very harmful to African populations, perhaps best exemplified by the economic destruction, starvation, and rampant corruption of Zimbabwe since the collapse of Rhodesia.

In many ways, the decolonialization of Africa has been very harmful to African populations, perhaps best exemplified by the economic destruction, starvation, and rampant corruption of Zimbabwe since the collapse of Rhodesia.

Dear @valued-customer !
Yeah, I agree with you!
African countries fell into an even more dire situation after being freed from European colonies.

So, I think China's colonization of African countries will fail!

I believe that China will soon be torn apart by a serious economic crisis, famine, and environmental destruction, and a civil war will break out.

It is possible that Xi Jinping will start a war abroad to prevent a civil war in China.
Chinese emperors have long had a habit of waging overseas wars to prevent civil war in the country.

Many Japanese and Koreans study Chinese history and assume that China will be divided.

Thank you for kind answer!

"It is possible that Xi Jinping will start a war abroad to prevent a civil war in China."

This is an ancient tactic, and were I in India, I'd be worried.

I am not a very eager follower of this news. What I heard about Macron was that he actually was more against sending troops to the Ukraine (which was - I must guess - in the first year of the war). Why he turned, can be a question, if my observation is correct.

For us anyway it can be bad news since I am not cheering up over the fact that our European neighbor might make economical suicide. But that counts for all other nations as well, when I think further. But then, I don't know if it means economical suicide to invest into troops and/or weaponry. The cynics says that it helps the nations economies. ... Oh well. I am not into the topic to really talk in an elaborated way.


I am as hapless as any other man, who must gnaw first over threats before I can enjoy the meat of my blessings. So, while I am geographically removed from both the most public loci of conflict in the world today, Israel and Russia, clearly the USA is intimately involved in both, as the most powerful of our Parliamentarians has declared himself a 'wartime Speaker', Speaker of the House being his specific title.

So, despite my remove from it, I am nonetheless threatened as close neighbors are by brutality close at hand. Economists are moronic shills for whatever political actions are desired by whoever has the money they want to account, so when crime rises and more vandalism occurs, they proclaim window manufacturers benefit and GDP rises. When more taxes are squeezed from working stiffs and funneled into the vaults of weapons manufacturers, cage builders, and makers of shock collars, again, GDP rises and the economy roars, although we must pay $40 for our toast in the morning, if we can get it. All the economic benefits of war inure to the slaughterers of mankind, and unless we join in the slaughter, we are the slaughtered, economically.

I hope your lack of interest is rewarded by better news of better things, you better enjoy.


I wouldn't argue against what you responded. Sharing the same sentiments.

I am feeling fatigued because I was following news very intensely when 2020 happened, and then also when the Ukraine war started. Never in my life, did I absorb so many news, texts, arguments. I am very tired in following those news (I've got some good alternative media at hand) and my disinterest is a consequence of it. It's more of a self protective attitude, since I must balance the status of both, my physical and mental stability.

rewarded by better news of better things, you better enjoy.

That happens, too. I am actively searching for them, as well.