Freedom Day - Freedom is a Two-Edged Sword

in #lifelast month

June 19th, still a couple months away, is coming fast. It has been one of my favorite holidays, because it marked the day, two years after the Emancipation Proclamation, American slaves learned they were free. However, I have realized that freedom can't be granted by proclamation. All that can be granted are privileges. Free men must make their freedom.

IMG source -

Guided by this principle I watched this Paean to Freedom today, from a South African, living in a country that has freed itself from Apartheid and should be a shining example of the freedom free men can make. But did South Africa really free itself? In fact, didn't global polities and corporations withdraw their support and assistance to the Apartheid regime and lend it, instead, to the ANC? Freedom has really been foisted upon them, rather than them making it themselves, and it is reflected in their governance today.

We should beware of the proclamations of overlords that declare we are free, because freedom we make ourselves, by becoming independent of overlords by our own efforts, is vastly different than becoming free of the blessings of civilization provided by overlords.

We aren't free until we ourselves are the creators of our civilization, which we freely build ourselves. As long as we depend on overlords, for our necessities as much as our freedom, we aren't free at all, but dependents, that they can control by dangling this or that we need in whatever direction they want us to go. When we are free of such dependence, then we are free in truth.

Freedom to live is not freedom from life.


25 years ago, or thereabouts, I used to work in a museum where I would guide people around. There were a lot of South Africans who came for a "holiday," but what they were really looking for was to find a country to escape to. I met mostly engineers, but a lot of highly educated people - a high rate of South Africans. They would open up to me as I showed them around, probably because I was interested in South Africa - I have always been really interested, ever since I was a kid and lived down the road from someone from South Africa. Every single one of the people that came into the museum had a horror story - crime out of control, they would say - etc. They had a real fear in their eyes at heading back - and this was 25 years ago lol.

Yeah, South Africa was supposed to be this multi-ethnic wonder state (i.e., wakanda), but what happened is it became a place that can't even keep its stoplights in place without them being cut down and stripped for copper. Of course, while all the chaos is happening and people are afraid to go to the store, the gold below Johannesburg keeps on flowing. And of course, I'm sure another Vice journalist, if they are still in business, will make their way over there for some "grievance tourism," talk about how it was all the Dutch engineers' fault, etc., because they were being fired at with AK47s on their farms and decided to sell and leave before they will killed. But either way, the gold will keep on flowing. The gold, like the spice, from Dune, must glow.


Payment of a poll tax was a prerequisite to the registration for voting in a number of states until 1965. The tax emerged in some states of the United States in the late nineteenth century as part of the Jim Crow laws. After the right to vote was extended to all races by the enactment of the Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, a number of states enacted poll tax laws as a device for restricting voting rights. The laws often included a grandfather clause, which allowed any adult male whose father or grandfather had voted in a specific year prior to the abolition of slavery to vote without paying the tax. [3] These laws, along with unfairly implemented literacy tests and extra-legal intimidation,[4] such as by the Ku Klux Klan, achieved the desired effect of disenfranchising Asian-American, Native American voters and poor whites as well, but in particular the poll tax was disproportionately directed at African-American voters.

Dear @valued-customer !

I remember the American law that says you have to pay taxes to get the right to vote in the United States.

So, Is that why you and Steve unliked illegal immigrants to the U.S. who don't pay taxes?

I believe there is a price to be paid for freedom!

I hope your health and long life!

I do not think Steve and I agree on why we object to illegal immigrants, but I don't think whether or how much taxes they pay is a primary reason either of us do. Illegal immigrants working for wages that do not have real Social Security Numbers have taxes taken from every paycheck, and then cannot file at the end of the year to get a refund. Generally they pay MORE taxes as a result. Only if they are being paid in cash can they avoid these taxes. There are also many taxes that are collected during the sale of items, such as VAT, sales taxes, and tariffs.

My opposition to mass illegal immigration has nothing to do with taxes. I cannot speak for Steve, but I assume taxes neither are the primary reason for their opposition to mass illegal immigration. For the most part, taxes are not often mentioned in debates on the matter.


Illegal immigrants working for wages that do not have real Social Security Numbers have taxes taken from every paycheck, and then cannot file at the end of the year to get a refund. Generally they pay MORE taxes as a result. Only if they are being paid in cash can they avoid these taxes. There are also many taxes that are collected during the sale of items, such as VAT, sales taxes, and tariffs.

I didn't know that! I remembered hearing that Mexicans illegally entering the United States suffer from lower wages and excessive working hours than Americans.
I remembered that American companies profit by paying Mexicans low wages.😦

My opposition to mass illegal immigration has nothing to do with taxes. I cannot speak for Steve, but I assume taxes neither are the primary reason for their opposition to mass illegal immigration. For the most part, taxes are not often mentioned in debates on the matter.

I felt like you and Steve were living in different worlds because America is such a big world!
From my perspective, Oregon and Wyoming were worlds apart!
So, Steve always advised me to use political and diplomatic rhetoric with the American people.
However, I always disappointed his expectations.😅

I assumed you were probably worried that foreigners entering the United States illegally would commit crimes!
Even where I live, foreigners are being criticized for increasing crimes.

"I assumed you were probably worried that foreigners entering the United States illegally would commit crimes!"

Now you're talking. But I'm not worried about ordinary crime, like burglary, rape, and drug dealing. I am confident that many political organizations that have been grievously harmed by the US military in recent decades have infiltrated undercover operatives into America. In fact, I cannot imagine anyone making a convincing argument that they have not done this. This means that many, many spies, agents provocateur, saboteurs, and Bad Guys have been fist bumped by the US Border Patrol as they entered America with orders to await the appropriate time to execute their military plans. If 1% of the ~20M illegal immigrants were such trained professionals that's ~200k enemies that are being paid by the USG to come here and destroy America.

Thanks Obama!

The USG has very low approval by voters. We know our government is corrupt, blackmailed and bribed, and our government knows we know. To keep us from coming together and marching on our Capitols with torches and pitchforks, all they have to do is divide us against each other, which infiltrating enemy forces will do. We'll be forced to fight against those enemies that are poisoning our water supplies, cutting our electricity grid, and bombing our highways, schools, and hospitals, which will keep us busy and prevent us from decorating our street lights with corrupt politicians.

Sadly, this plan will work.

I am confident that many political organizations that have been grievously harmed by the US military in recent decades have infiltrated undercover operatives into America. In fact, I cannot imagine anyone making a convincing argument that they have not done this. This means that many, many spies, agents provocateur, saboteurs, and Bad Guys have been fist bumped by the US Border Patrol as they entered America with orders to await the appropriate time to execute their military plans. If 1% of the ~20M illegal immigrants were such trained professionals that's ~200k enemies that are being paid by the USG to come here and and destroy America.

Yeah, I agree with you!
To date, because the U.S. military has caused damage and casualties to many foreign countries through overseas wars, many foreigners, especially Muslims, have great anger and a desire for revenge.

From my perspective, they probably entered the United States illegally and want revenge on American civilians like you!😮
I am shocked by your claim that the US military gives them money and weapons to cause terrorism in the US.

I wonder what benefit the American military gets from killing American civilians like you?😨

In the world I live in, there are people who claim that Texas will become independent from the United States if the U.S. federal government fails to stop illegal immigrants from Mexico.

The USG has very low approval by voters. We know our government is corrupt, blackmailed and bribed, and our government knows we know. To keep us from coming together and marching on our Capitols with torches and pitchforks, all they have to do is divide us against each other, which infiltrating enemy forces will do. We'll be forced to fight against those enemies that are poisoning our water supplies, cutting our electricity grid, and bombing our highways, schools, and hospitals, which will keep us busy and prevent us from decorating our street lights with corrupt politicians.

The USG is the US federal government?
I don't know the difference between US federal and US state governments.
I don't know why you hate Obama.

Currently, Japanese, Taiwanese, and Korean people are in fear that China and North Korea may invade Taiwan and the Korean Peninsula.
So, I hope the US fleet will be stationed in Taiwan.

"The USG is the US federal government?"


"I don't know the difference between US federal and US state governments."

States are like countries. The federal government is like the EU.

"I don't know why you hate Obama."

Obama vowed to reverse the aggressive wars overseas, to close Gitmo, and stop torturing people. Instead he made them all worse, and assassinated an American child with a drone strike. I don't particularly hate him. He's just one more traitor that needs hanging.

"...I hope the US fleet will be stationed in Taiwan."

If there is any good thing for freedom and prosperity the USG can do, it will do the opposite, to destroy freedom and felicity of the people of the world. It is an evil organization, dedicated to the supremacy of one group over all other peoples, which it seeks to render dead or enslaved. If you think it has done a good thing, either the people have forced it, or you have been tricked.


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