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RE: The NWO Makes Progress Clearing the Way for it's Totalitarian Takeover.

in #life11 months ago (edited)

"History tells us that Russia is the only power with the capability and mission to save the World."

I can only note your very obvious bias, and that you are completely entitled to it. While I might hope you can benefit from a much wider perspective, I can see why a more restricted view of history focused on aspects most relevant to you and yours might be preferable for you.

I should point out that it is always something I regret, throwing stones from my glass house, so I only gently point to the recent disarmament of Serbia as something that might give you pause regarding vilification of Americans. Was it also the fault of Cambodians that Pol Pot genocided them? The fault of the peoples of the USSR that Stalin genocided them? People have been dependent on centralization for millennia, and while that noxious societal mechanism is today being deprecated, it yet remains necessary to civil society in critical ways, and has been a major aspect of the indoctrinations people have been afflicted with. People are honorable of traditions in such matters, and obedience to hierarchies has been the way of their fathers, and their fathers' fathers.

It will change in time, and the corrupt remnants of the American government will be discarded in due time as well. I appreciate your perspective because it is divergent from my own, and because I cherish a glimpse of the world from a different perspective, I appreciate your forthright comment.



Was it also the fault of Cambodians that Pol Pot genocided them?

Pol Pot would never happen if there was no colonial ambitions and meddling of U.S. and France in the region.

The fault of the peoples of the USSR that Stalin genocided them?

That’s a common Western myth. Stalin never genocided anybody, which was evident by the great rise of USSR population during his reign DESPITE the terrible loses during WWII, and the late professor Stephen Cohen has documented it very well in his books.

Do not be surprised that I disagree with Cohen, even though I can only cite Solzhenitsyn in refutation. The purge of the Kulaks rivaled the Great Leap Forward in China for lethality to the peoples of those countries, and copious testimony supports terrible purges and pogroms, up to a quarter of the population of St. Petersburg, for example.

Neither do I cite either Mao or Stalin as only butchers, as both lifted millions of people out of poverty, Stalin moving Russia from the Stone Age to the Space Age in a generation, and Mao nearly so.

The horrific surveillance of both countries today seems to draw the West like hypnotic baubles waving before the eyes of oligarchs. Yet I am certain the benefits oligarchs seek will ultimately be their downfall, because the crushing burden of indoctrination necessary today to confine chattel to the corral of centralization so reduces their productivity to unsustainability as free people divest of it and sample decentralized production that is orders of magnitude more productive than centralization.

This will enable free people to so outcompete oligarchs and collective industrial manufacturing that evolution will decide the outcome, as it always does during catastrophe - and the present imposition of the NWO is nothing less than a cataclysm as horrific as any natural disaster, comparable IMHO to nuclear war. It may indeed incorporate that latter horror, as we are yet to see.

However, you neglect to answer my question. Is it the fault of Serbs that your leader is a NATO minion? I will answer for you, because you do not want to say it: it is not. Corporations collude together to increase their wealth and power, and governments are just corporations today. Governance isn't something the peoples of nations do anymore, but has been coopted by oligarchs through the vector of corporatization. As corporations decline as a result of being non-competitive with decentralized production by individual households and small communities, that will change, but not by democratic empires replacing fascist totalitarian empires.

Governance, just like industry, will be decentralized, ever more going forward as humanity seized to themselves the means of production of all the blessings of civilization, which will definitely include their security from gangs of armed thugs. Those that do will survive, and even thrive, while those that do not will perish and their strength will be lost to the oligarchs dependent on them.

We will be free, in due time.

However, you neglect to answer my question. Is it the fault of Serbs that your leader is a NATO minion? I will answer for you, because you do not want to say it: it is not.

The answer to your question is: Yes it is! People who falls for propaganda, and agrees with it, despite the obvious truth – bear responsibility, of course. And it always results in terrible consequences. We have a healthy part of the people in Republika Srpska. They do not do it, and clearly are working in protection of their interests.

And BTW, the things you again attribute to Stalin – does not make genocide even in the broadest possible definition.

Stalin managed to kill some ~50m people. On anyone's books, that's genocide.

How does people falling for propaganda make their national leader a NATO minion?

Stalin managed to kill some ~50m people. On anyone's books, that's genocide.

That’s completely fake info, @valued-customer. You are believing western propaganda. There are birth record that clearly disprove this lie that you have accepted as truth.

How does people falling for propaganda make their national leader a NATO minion?

That is done through social engineering: Putting people in big cities where they are completely dependent on the corrupt bureaucratic structures, devoid from their historical identity, and in the end result is toxic individualism – a single person not aware of his community, its interests, and his/hers own rights… When petty, selfish individual interest become more important than everything else, that always lead to disaster.

I note that I base my understanding on the statement of Solzhenitsyn, not someone from the West, but an eyewitness to the purges and pogroms that devoured the Russian people. I doubt any government records are remotely conceivably produced by people as accorded integrity as Solzhenitsyn. While I have not, and do not, support the 'Russia, Russia, Russia' propaganda that has been spewed by Western media to bamboozle society in the West, neither am I unaware of the incessant propaganda and false narratives emitted by Eastern, government controlled media. Little is easier for them to manipulate than government records.

However, I also note that what you suggest is 'toxic individualism' involves not defending individual rights, which is characteristic not of the West, but of the CCCP and the CCP, which have considered people as but possessions of the state rather than sovereigns availed of human rights - at least until quite recently, when plandemic gulags and mass mandates to suffer medical testing of biowarfare agents have reduced the West to a similar subjugation to that suffered by Russian and Chinese populations, at least in terms of their world view.

Rather than toxic individuality, you are referring to toxic subsumation in fabricated world view, the tendency of H. sapiens to conform to social expectations that today are imposed by psychopathic overlords, and individuality is notably a refutation of that noxious and fraudulent propaganda promoting the traditionally Eastern subjugation to government mandate, rather than a respect for human rights. It is the descent of the West to this toxic collectivism that today encourages children to participate in perverse sexual practices with pedopaths that want nothing more than to defile all that is good and holy - the trait most in evidence in the oligarchy.

We are all subjected, indeed inundated with vile propaganda, and the best we can do is to seek as people to relate to other people, even if they are overwhelmed by different propaganda than we have been. That is something that has characterized our mutual respect and support for these last few years on Hive, and I intend to continue as long as I live and breathe.

I doubt any government records are remotely conceivably produced by people as accorded integrity as Solzhenitsyn.

You are also unaware that there are two Solzhenitsyns. The first one who was spitting on USSR so he could have his life in the West, and the other one, who have admitted a mistake and return to Russia.

And you are still believing more to an author, a writer who has made many fictitious events, instead of a historian, who has facts and documents…