We Should All Be A Little More Like Sociopaths

in #loa3 years ago (edited)


There is a common misconception about sociopaths and CEO's. That is to say, they got there because they took advantage to get to the top.

And while this may be the case for the more Machiavellian variety of sociopath, it is not the case for all of them. And in most cases nowadays, being a selfish bastard can get you into more trouble as people are more informed today than they used to be.

Overinflated Self Concept

The #1 reason sociopaths succeed and surpass, time and time again, is because of their inflated self concept -- And we could do well to learn from them. The more we go around thinking of ourselves as God, and we are the best at everything, and everyone around us should be so lucky to choose us, the better off we'll be. But it isn't just because people and things respond to confidence. It is because the UNIVERSE does as well, and she likes to supply us with things that confirm our beliefs.

In dating, in work life, in home life -- the more confident you are, the more people will respond to you, yes?

But there is something more. The UNIVERSE responds to that as well. She likes to give you the things you say you want. And she certainly will.

But the thing is, we have to believe it. And this is where it gets tricky. Sociopaths tend to skip the emotional flogging and self doubt that comes so naturally to others. Or at least, they tend to care less and move on a lot quicker when an obstacle arises.

For the average man, if he has the hots for a girl, and she rejects his offer, he might take that no for an answer. Maybe he'll give it another go a week later, from a different angle. But if he gets two "no's" in a row, or he doesn't see an "in," he's done for.

The sociopathic man, or even just the narcissist or the asshole who doesn't give a shit about the emotional connection, will come back and tackle it again, and again, and again, and again -- until he gets a "YES." Because he doesn't fear rejection. Why?

  1. Because he has a self concept that says he is the best. And deserves the best. No matter what.
  2. Because he has no emotional response to the current reality. He simply sees what he wants and it becomes so.

Women Don't ACTUALLY Like Jerks


Women don't date jerks because they like jerks. They date them because jerks don't give up. And they're confident. And they create a vortex of energy that brings us to them. Plain and simple. Take it from someone who's been there. I have never just gone around and said, "Hmmm, that guy seems like a really fine asshole. Let's see if we can hop in bed with him." No! It's been a matter of saying no, no thanks, not today, meh, maybe some other time, not a chance, thanks for asking, not interested, and then finally, them coming at you from another angle entirely unexpected and you dropping your resolve and them eventually gaining your favor. That's how it works, folks.

Ignore 3D

The reason sociopaths succeed is because they don't emotionally dwell on failure or flog themselves when it occurs. This is something otherwise known in the manifesting community as "ignoring 3D" or "not responding to 3D."

100% of the time, this is why your sociopathic friends make it and you don't. When you make a mistake, or when things go wrong for you, what is the first thing you do?

You blame yourself, you blame others, you blame your parents, you doubt yourself, you question whether things will work out, you replay the past, you fear the future, you get uncomfortable because shit keeps coming up that scares the piss out of you. But you kind of give up in little ways that add up to big ones.

Maybe most of that is subconscious, and you don't even know you're doing it. But you're doing it.

Sociopaths don't tend to do that as much. Sure, they've got self esteem issues like the rest of us. But the over inflated part of them does not allow them to see fault or flaw. They simply cannot see how they could have created or contributed to a mistake. They see only that it must be fixed, and they fix it.

They ignore 3D better than anyone else.

They pay no heed emotionally or mentally to how things LOOK right NOW. They think only to how they would like them to look in the FUTURE, and do not give up until it looks the way they want it to look.

Not all sociopaths are bad, or selfish. They just simply do not respond emotionally the way the rest of the world does. They tend to be far more objective and less manipulated into feeling sorry for others to their own detriment, and this may not be a bad thing at all.

Intrinsic Value = Everything Falls Into Place

Having an inflated self concept means you no longer doubt or fear or question. It allows you to move on from obstacle to obstacle without the fuss or fear you normally have. You move on from problems a lot more quickly than others. You avoid pitfalls and common concerns that others might otherwise allow to stymie them.

And on top of this, the UNIVERSE thinks it's hot. When you have a strong intrinsic value, everything falls into place not just because your circumstances respond to you, but because your universe is responding to you. She wants to give you what you want when you are feeling complete in your confidence.

This is why you see drug lords, slum lords, corporate lords, and politicians running the show. They may be rule breakers and killers, true, but there are a lot of people who are those things who do NOT succeed. The thing that sets them apart is that they have no ability to see flaw within themselves, and this is what creates a reality in which they always see themselves winning. So they win.

It is not just about the psychology of how others respond, or the taking advantage to get to the top. That can only last so long before it bites you in the ass.

It is about the ability to see PAST a current reality, and see ONLY the one you want to see, and the universe responds to that and gives it to you.

Having a strong sense of self worth means I am the best, I am deserving, I am strong, I am capable, I am a creator, I am the best at what I do, people love giving me money, people love pleasing me, projects always work out for me, I am the best choice in this scenario, I am the chosen one, I am god of my universe.

You can have those beliefs.

A lot of this starts as subconscious, but eventually it can be made fully conscious and you will truly begin to see yourself this way, and will feel amazing in every situation.

The sooner you get this concept, the sooner the universe will confirm it for you.

If you are struggling with inner self concept

If you are struggling in certain areas of your life, whether relationships, career, money, health, family life, social life, physical life, creatively, emotionally, mentally, or otherwise, there are really easy ways to fix the self concept that is creating these, and it takes very little work on your part, and creates miracles in return.

I have a Two-Step process that involves

  1. rewriting subconscious beliefs in an effortless and permanent way
  2. ignoring feelings and meanings we assign to our current reality

Doing these two things ALONE will completely shift your reality so everything works out for you and serves to create an advantage in your life.

If you would like to learn how to rewrite your subconscious
and effortlessly create a new reality
Message me below, or on Discord at @littlescribe#2251 to find out more
