Bullied By Collector - And How I Prevailed

in #manifesting2 years ago (edited)


About a month and a half ago I went to the bank to take out a loan for a new vehicle.

So I get to the bank, and the banker tells me that my credit score was way too low. I knew there must be some mistake, as I had just had my credit checked two weeks earlier, and it was in very good shape. I look at the computer screen, and sure enough, it's plummeted down to a 340 (a good score is generally well over 700).

Apparently some medical bills that were for my son and his dad, had made their way onto my credit. I had no idea about the bills. I don't pay the medical. At some point the accounts had been placed in my name by the medical center, and I had never received notice. Nor had they been paid off by the person whose name they were SUPPOSED to be in.

Of course, I was LIVID. OUTRAGED.

I had just spent TWO years and $5,000 toward a settlement repairing my credit from a similar issue, caused by the same person, due to a very similar "misunderstanding" that had been placed in MY name without my consent. In effect, it was devastating, humiliating, and exasperating. Completely unexpected. Completely not my fault. And what's more, now I could not get that new car I had my heart set on.

Trying to work with the collections agency to sort it out was a total nightmare. For days I tried telling them I was not the person on those accounts. It was supposed to be in the dad's name, that they had my wrong address, that I never got the notices, that I never even knew about the bills, etc. But the collections agency didn't care.

I tried updating them with my correct information, they did NOTHING. And they simply said, "We have notes saying you have called in several times to discuss this. We have PROOF you were notified. There is nothing we can do. Sorry." I tried getting the medical center to correct the information. They simply said, "You need to call the collection agency. They hold your account now. It's out of our hands."

So I did what I know best:

I Ignored 3D - Non Reaction

I completely shut off my emotional reaction, brought peace to my mind, and zenned out for a week. I just repeated to myself, "It will sort itself out." And went about my week as normally as I could. I let it go until I could approach it non-emotionally. I actually got to a place mentally where having a 340 credit score and a horribly marred credit for the next 7 years was something I could somehow live with, despite the opportunities it would clearly deprive me of in the future.

I had planned on buying real estate, owning a business, a car, helping my dad get a place, all sorts of things that suddenly become next to impossible when you have no credit.

I finally was "OK" with whatever happened. And I called into collections and into medical and gathered intel. Calmly. Productively. Non emotionally. I did what an attorney would do. Just politely requested what information I could. And people were surprisingly helpful. I did not cuss or yell, I did not blame or try to negotiate. I did not try to make my case. I simply gathered information, and took notes. And then it occurred to me.

I found a loophole.

I discovered that because I was not living at the marital residence when the bills were sent there, legally collections (and medical) were at fault, and if I could prove this, I would be in the clear. I also discovered that my own address (during separation) was actually ON FILE with the medical center, but they had failed to update this with collections.

So I did ONE thing:

I made a personal, very calm, very pleasant visit to medical center billing, thanked the gal for her time in seeing me, and asked her to please update collections with my correct address at the time of service so it would show up in my collections file. She did so, on the phone, while I was there. It was remarkable to get such immediate response.

A personal visit really makes a difference, by the way. Especially when you are in a decent mood.

A week later, I called collections and offered to pay the bill (genuinely, but also to disarm the collector). Then, as I was hanging up, I simply asked, "I wonder, would you be able to check my address? I was living elsewhere during the time of service, and the notices were never sent to me. Would I be able to get this removed from my credit if I never got the notices?"

You Qualify To Have This Removed From Your Credit

He paused for a moment, then put me on hold. 5 minutes later, he came back, and his words were, "You qualify to have this removed from your credit."

And that was it. It was removed. From my credit. Permanently. It would NEVER show up.

I still have to work out the medical bill, but the credit has been saved.

I consider this a feat of manifesting. Sure, there was stuff I had to do. And yes, being calm and reasonable was a huge part of seeing and creating solutions.

But I still believe that the manifesting played a HUGE part in making sure I spoke to the right people, at the right time, in the right way, and in the right order. Guided inspiration I might not ever have received if I had been reactive and angry. And in a lower state of emotion.

We could chalk this up as just a reasonable thing that happened. But how many people do you know who have been able to simply wave away a collections bully in one conversation, in 5 minutes, without threatening to sue?

It was an act of God-self. That's how I see it. And I'm excited to see what else I can accomplish using this technique. It is not insignificant.