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RE: Boy With Rare Cancer Makes Miracle Recovery After His Mom Gave Him Cannabis

in #marijuana7 years ago

IMHO cannabis is so much safer than prescription drugs. As time goes on I hear more and more about the medical benefits of using it. It should be an individual's choice just like alcohol. I choose not to drink alcohol, but do not feel it is my place to try to convince others not to use it. The same should go for cannabis.

Our government has been "brainwashing" us for many years that cannabis is not safe. I believe that when prohibition (alcohol) went away they needed to replace it with something, and cannabis was one of the things they chose. Prior to that it was perfectly legal. Time to let adults choose for themselves.

If they have an illness that can be treated with cannabis, then they should be able to use what works for them. The side effects for so many prescription drugs are worse than the ailment. I have yet to hear of a death from using cannabis, although the number of deaths from prescription-drug use is outrageous!

Great post. We need more education in the public domain, and social media is a great way to spread the word.