How Gala Games will preserve the immortality of Sugar the Chihuahua

in #metaverse2 years ago


So before this new year begins I would love to share a story with how #galagames, Eric Schiermeyer, Michael McCarthy and Nina D helped shape my tradegy this year into a legendary future of immortality.

My wife and two dogs were attacked by a pitbull while walking in our neighborhood this year. Some stupid neighbors took in an aggressive pitbull that broke the outdoor fence attacking my wife's arm and killing 1 of our 2 dogs, Sugar the Chihuahua. Sugar was the dog that gravitated to me. We don't have kids we have dogs, and in turn when she died I felt and still feel the loss of a child as we did everything together.

When Michael McCarthy and Jake from #onchaingaming did a few youtube videos about NFT's as a utility inside a gaming platform I was intrigued to know more, and after more research, the concept of ownership of in-game elements for permanency really drew me in. While the concept was sound, I grew more interested in the space, realizing in my grief of Sugar I could possibly create a way for everyone to remember her.

A week later I bought my first #nft a Tavern in the game of Mirandus. I love fantasy and role playing games, and realized if I could name or personalize this Tavern, possibly give it an icon on a sign or a name I would name it "Sugar's Tavern" and go under the handle "Sugar the Chihuahua" in the Gala Games #Metaverse.

While I continue to grieve over my lost dog, my daughter, my favorite everything outside of work, I can continue to advocate for her permanency in a MMO game that I feel will have millions of users interacting within my Tavern.

Randomly recently I was poached for an opportunity to work on the game and felt it may have been a divine intervention moment for me with Nina D a leader in gaming experience design for a potential opportunity within the Gala Games universe, but never heard back as i'm sure these gaming startups have a ton of irons in the fire. I am still interested Nina. hah.

That said, I am extremely excited about the NFT space in gaming as it brings a layer of Utility that the ecosystem needs to adopt new users to appreciate the evolution of Web3, and where Play to Earn concepts, spatial web, micro transactions and staked or leased NFT's can make an impact on your wallet as well as your enjoyment.

While I cannot get my Sugar back, no matter how hard I pray, or rework the incident 100's of times over, I can at least memorialize her in the Metaverse for all to share in the game of Mirandus for Gala Games. My hope is to bring awareness to all dog owning adventurers and to embrace all things Mirandus with a hefty cup of ale, while ringing the bell inside the tavern saying a prayer for sugar, or something similar. Hopefully Michael McCarthy can assist me with that once Taverns are active in the space.

Feel free to reach out in discord or leave a comment.

Gala team if you guys are out there and in need of a FTE remote perm Sr Product designer, Im interested. #team #gala #gaming