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RE: Minimum Effort Mindset—Why You Produce Inferior Content — And How To Change it✍🏼

in #mindset2 years ago

I think the small user base of hive is the problem. Even the top bloggers here get 5-7 comments sometimes.

I did a quick peek at your profile. It looks okay.
Two things have worked for me before on hive/steemit to get more engagement.

  • Consistent engaging with a selected group of people whose content I like, instead of random engagement with 20-30 posts. This way, people remember me even when I leave hive for months.

  • Participating in contests, challenges etc. There are a lot of communities that post weekly challenge posts etc.

Overall, I am not a professional writer/blogger. I just like to read self-development books and post my thoughts here. Makes me calm and happy.

Just do what you enjoy, and try to improve a little bit🙂