
How can you tell if they are abusing minnowbooster?

Someone uses multiples accounts to bypass minowbooster's limit.

Hi, @snowflake,

I'm a PSA bot. This is the first time I’ve seen you use the #MinnowBooster tag.

Tags help the community find relevant content.

If you are a MinnowBooster user and need help, the staff is actively monitoring the tags and will come back to you soon.

If you used the tag by mistake for unrelated content, we will be grateful if you please edit your post to remove the tag.

If you need help now, you can visit the discord channel here: MinnowBooster

We wont bother you anymore, happy steeming!

I'll ban them in a bit. Do you have a list handy that I can copy paste? Writing from a photo is hard on mobile 📱

Nope, I just screen grabbed the hot section. There are hundreds of accounts, maybe try to corelate with date of regisration or something to find them all.
Most of them only have a couple posts so you could restrict your service to people with 10 posts or more, but this is easily gameable too..

I am currently working on multiple systems to slow down gaming the system. I hope that the more barriers we put up the higher the cost is for users that want to abuse us.

We are currently discussing adding a disclaimer that we unvote posts that are spam. But for that we need precise definitions on what that constitute etc. and it is a bunch of work still to be done.

Can you report those guys to cheetah & the steemcleaners? Minnowbooster follows cheetah's banlist. Thanks!

I think the owner of these robots should use their talent to well manage them, apparently there is some bug for abusers.

They should be put in check

I think Minnowbooster doesn't care about post contents. and apparently the limit is set to per account basis so in theory, you can create multiple accounts to use their services as long as you have enough SBD.