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RE: Some Before and After Video and Pictures on The Progress of My Investment Property - Making Progress and Hurricane Proofing!

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Hoping your property has weathered the storm well, @road2wisdom. Even though there's insurance, I know you'd hate to have to redo work you've only just recently performed.

What type of flooring are you using there? Is that wood or some sort of laminate?

I flipped a house almost two years ago. We had budgeted for new flooring throughout, but uncovered in most rooms this beautiful pumpkin pine that we were able to refinish for a fraction of the cost. It ended up being one of the focal points for selling the property quickly. I love flooring; it makes such a powerful difference compared to most other improvements.

Good luck weathering Irma. I have upvoted your post and followed you so I can keep tabs on your progress. Feel free to follow me back.

In the meantime, good luck on Steem and stay safe!