Financial Freedom - Building the portfolio to put you on top!

in #money7 years ago

Just because your coins are winning Billions of dollars in market cap does not mean you have the fastest growing portfolio. Let me show you what I mean.. Let's take a deeper look.

By working to identify the best portfolio strategies to gain the best performance with the lowest risk.

Bitcoin took on the most money by far but has not experienced the most growth. I am just inviting the Maximalist to look at all the opportunities of what the best options will be going forward.

This may supprize you but NEM was the best performance of this 365 day period.

NEM percent growth of 4520%

The top 100 coins have been placed in colorcoded markets and devided up into maket performance relitive to marketcap to better see what has the best % growth oppertunities. If your goal is just to maximixe the money you make you are in the right place.

The Small Cap Outliers

The reason that the 18 Samll caps were such a good investment as a sector was because of those 18 coins none of those coins experienced losses or negative returns while experiencing the most growth collectively.

The Ugly

21 of the top 100 lost money

Of the top 100 coins 21 of them lost value experiencing negative returns... Suprisingly the average return across the top 100 equally weighted and collectively was remarkable over 700% including the losers.

Below the coins charted by Color Coating make for the best visual representation for growth. Look at the key above to see what the color identifies.

Be Smart, Don't overtrade make sure you choose the best investments. When you are happy with the coins you hold get them into cold storage off exchanges.

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Very crucial information, thank you for sharing

Thank you @lasper,
I hope this will help contribute to your success. I was happy with what I learned form the study to build a more sound portfolio going forward.

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On the Basis of crypto trading is mine as follows:

I am way excited to see the performance of Antshares as the Chinese ETH smart contracts.