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RE: SPECIAL REPORT: Fed. Promises More QE! And Reverses Aggressive Hike Stance. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money6 years ago

Greatly appreciate the update and edifying information. I day traded this one and lost some on today, but had a very good net profit over the week. I appreciate your humility and honesty in admitting those things that you didn't see coming. We cannot learn from either our mistakes or the nefarious events going on without humility. I can see a number of times where I would have profited more if I had paid closer attention to the indicators. I was tempted to buy a call on SPY after lunch because the indicators were starting to expect that, however, I kept expecting it to go down even after I sold my PUT. That was a lost opportunity in my part. I am still an amateur at this, but hope to continue to do better in spite of the globalist out to destroy us. upvoted and resteemed.