Your Character Makes You Who You Are

in #motivation14 days ago

I normally tell people that your character is like your personality which defines you. Trust me, many people may be attracted to you for a lot of reasons, like your beautiful/handsome looks, your body built, sense of dressing, material possession, etc, but what will keep them will go beyond all these, and will bother on your character. I have seen where someone has abundance of nice physical features but their character is nothing to look at, and as such, people are repelled from them. This is why you need to build and work on your character. The truth is that people will relate with you more on the basis of your character than on your looks.


Image from Pexels

When I was a fresher in the university some years back, I came across this young lady who happened to be a fresher too but in another department. She offered a borrowed course from my department and that was what brought her to our class. At first, she seemed likable because of her beauty and nice physique. In fact, in the words of one of my friends that also saw her, he said that this girls is a "masterpiece of creation." Well, that was what we thought until we got close to her. At the first attempt to extend a hand of friendship to her, her unwelcoming attitude surfaced. We convinced ourselves that maybe she was having a bad day and that may explain the flaws in her character.

As time went on, she kept unlocking new levels of meanness and crooked character. She felt on top of the world because of her appearance and felt that she was doing us a favour by being our friend. Snubbing was like a hobby to her and even when she would respond to you, you would prefer she never responded at all because it will be like an arrow shot by a skilled archer straight to the target. In fact, you will be right to say that she disconnects her brain before talking or acting. This made us to withdraw ourselves from her. After all, we were not gaining anything from her and it was not a force to be in her league.

Almost everyone had something nasty to say about her but she never cared until at a later year in school. She started to need real friends and also assistance from people in the course of her school work, but as you would guess, she had already scared her helpers by the nastiness in her character. Imagine how lonely she became. If you make your character unconducive for others, do not be surprised when they leave you and go. The world is already full of some very rough experiences, and no one would gladly want to add your bad personality to the weight that they have to carry.

One thing to understand is that many things about you will change as time passes daily. For example, your physical beauty will fade in a couple of decades from now, your strength will also get abated with time. This is why you have to focus more to build what is not affected by the passage of time - your character. If you build a good character, it will remain over time. In the same way, your bad character also transcends time unless you make a conscious effort to work on it to be good.


Image from Pexels

It is worthy to note that there is no excuse that is potent enough to justify a bad character. More often than not, you know when you have a bad character and when you have a good character. Even if you claim you do not know, check they way people relate with you and their impression and opinion about you, you can infer how your character and personality are perceived. It does not matter what the environment throws at you, what life brings at you, or the situation you find yourself in, you can choose to maintain the goodness in your character if you want to. Know how to treat people well, respect people (their opinions, choices, feelings), talk well, act goodly, and maintain your humanity. Always remind yourself that a good character is not a gift nor is it congenital, it is purely built by choice. This will help you to see the need to also build your character too. If the people that have good character built theirs, nothing is stopping you from building your own.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all