ThreeTuneTuesday 5/14/24 🎸 Picking Songs From Nineties Punk Bands On Fat Records! + Hive Music Vlog 🎙️

in #musiclast month (edited)


Talking the Independent record label Fat Records and picking all my #ThreeTuneTuesday songs from Fat record bands during #Nineties



Band - No Use For A Name
Song - Invincible
Album - Making Friends (1997)


Band - Strung Out
Song - Too Close To See
Album - Twisted By Design (1998)



Band - Face To Face
Song - Pastel
Album - Don’t Turn Away (1992)


Thanks for stopping by! 🎸


Now some Bonus Tunes 🙌


Band - Lagwagon
Song - Know It All
Album - Trashed (1994)



Band - Propagandi
Song - Anti manifesto
Album - How To Clean Everything (1993)



Band - Less Than Jake
Song - Hell Looks a Lot Like L.A.
Album - Borders & Boundaries (2000)



How do you start a Tuesday morning?
Not a cosy one, just slowly getting into the swing of things ... No!
Full throttle from the very first minute of the show.😎😮

Indeed! And just in case u need one more! Here’s a bonus Jam just for u!

I used to have 3 albums cited here lol!!! No use for a name was fav for a long time 🤣

Nice! I didn’t know u were a nineties Punk Rocker! Here’s a special bonus jam just for u 😂 !PIMP

Eh everybody knows that song!

Here’s a deep Fat Records cut

Aw man @geneeverett, you are out of PIMP to slap people.
Go Stake some more and increase your PIMP power.
(We will not send this error message for 24 hours).


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

You must be killin' it out here!
@geneeverett just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @gwajnberg.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Strung out , no use and lagwagon had the same label… that the guy from nofx owned lol

This is the best way to start another day. I really enjoyed this tunes

Let’s get u a bonus jam to make sure u make the afternoon 🎸

It’s may 14th but here’s a song called May 16th from one of the bands above…

Wow, this is really cool song but why is it called may 16.
Is there anything behind it because the meaning of this song is more than may 16.

This my first time of listening to this song, I really enjoyed it but I think the song speak about stop leaving in the shadows of other, step out and be your best self.

Thanks for giving me this beautiful song 😍😍 as a gift

And I came to see your songs hahaha, in fact I already have to cook breakfast, but I'll go listen to your youtube video in the meantime... I don't know any of these songs, but most likely I'll end up captivated with them, as always 🤣

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I liked No Use for a Name, I hadn't heard them before, pretty cool band. Same for Less Than Jake, kind of cool ska/punk sound to it. Lagwagon was great too, those are my three favorites on the day.

Propaghandi were pretty wild, I like their style! Great stuff today!

No Use For A Name is definitely my overall favorite outta this bunch. Less Than Jake also. I’ll do Epitaph records sometime soon. They were the other Independent nineties punk label powerhouse.