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RE: Post deleted as a result of Steemcleaners' abuses.

in #nature5 years ago (edited)

Ho un legame affettivo molto forte con le primule, avendole apprezzate fin da bambino in mezzo ai boschi di montagna.

Grazie per le stupende foto, @sardrt petalosa! ;)

Everything is okay! 👌

You received an automatic vote, because I believe in you and I love what you create! ;)

A huge hug from @amico! 🤗

I love promoting !sbi status


Confesso, non amo molto questi questi, sono sempre interessanti da fotografare...Tantissime varietà e colori. Grazie @amico

Hi @amico!

  • you have 150 units and 511 bonus units
  • your rshares balance is 2489159384005 or 1.792 $
  • your next SBI upvote is predicted to be 0.358 $

    Did you know Steem Basic Income has a Quality Policy?