Are we ready for a fantastic bull run?

in #neoxian2 months ago

bull run.png

Present dip aside I think this one will be the best run we've ever experienced. I know this because I've been watching on the news that blackrock started with their ETF. I know this is old news of course and I'm at least a year late with this one, but having blackrock list for an etf is significant.

Significant because blackrock are a global leader in financial investment. In a way I love blackrock for doing this, but in another way I hate them for pushing all this woke trash on us -- so in a way I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I mean I get what they are trying to do -- operation chokepoint will be in full force when all the major investors start buying into the sphere, then businesses will follow, and lastly the mom and pop shops -- followed by the end consumer, you and me.

But this time you and I have a leg up on the industry. We were doing this before it was cool. We were doing this when people like gangstalking was a regular feature here and we let him sit in his corner like the drunk uncle we put in the corner to shout about how bad the world is and how uncontrollable the youth are today. The big boys are coming to play now.

I feel this is significant. Mainly because I was too young to fully experience the dot com boom. I remember going to college in 1996 and seeing html developers come in with their lotus' and Bugatti's to teach us at college; that's a dying art now, making that amount of money off web infastructure for the regular pleb like me.

But I am firmly poised to make my fortune from the explosion that will probably be adopted as the crypto boom 10 or 20 years from now.

But what implications does mainstream culture have when the doors are opened and the people start coming in in their droves?

Well, I hope that we'll all be retired by then. Mostly because I watched what happened to my relaxed space to make dark humour jokes with like minded people and no-one thought anything differently, just a regular guy that has darker humour than normal because he's seen some shit.

But it will mean a lot of safety for us, and the dumbing down of us too. This is essentially what I foresee. And mainly because of what happened with the web in general. Basically, we took the heightened paranoia of people that should be in a psychiatric facility and used it to make overbearing safety controls to curb the freedom of speech and movement.

Probably not long until we see buying some token will make you racist, or homophobic, or something equally as inane.

Whilst more safety is generally a good thing, especially for people I wouldn't trust to manage monopoly money, it comes at the cost of freedom. Safety is a forfeiture of freedom. Remember that! There's nothing wrong with teaching yourself how to be safe, rather than some government making sure you are.

We will also see (more than likely) the rise of similar products like etoro. Where you don't own the physical asset, only a digital share, and they'll be touted as the safer option, whilst at the same time holding your funds to ransom if you say something the establishment doesn't agree with.

But then if you manage to escape all that then there will always be the cashing out part, where you know they are aggressively going after exchanges that are self sustaining like Binance. You have to understand, they need the final say on what going in and out of crypto. This is the ultimate plan.

It's all about control. And they have time to do this. They work in decades, not years.

But by that time we'll all be rich pre-mainstream crypto and it wont matter much to us because our gains during the collection period will have shot up through the roof, and hopefully we'll all be sitting on our private islands somewhere, hah.

It's positive in the long run. We will win. I'm sure of it!


I still feel like I am not holding the right things or not enough of the right things. I am really afraid this is going to be a mediocre bull run for me. Perhaps I am just trying to not get my hopes up. I definitely think it is going to be big. I just don't know if it is going to be big for me.

I have the same worries, but I think these are normal pre-bull worries. This is the first bull I'm going into with a lot of stuff I held from the previous bull market.

If I can start with 0 last bear, and make $100k, then this bull is going to be immense.

Many people don't realise - is that I made less than $20k from the BRO initial crowdsale, and we're walking into this bull with more than $20k. So batter up :)

Yeah, that is cool. I made some in the last bull, but I don't really feel like I set myself up well for this one. I am still holding a lot of stuff from the last one too and I don't necessarily think it is going to be a case of history repeating itself.

Let's hope for the best, although the past few days are not that much great, maybe this is the last chance to grab more ctyptocurrency at lowest who knows. 🙈😬

Hopefully bhatt my friend :)