CDC Slow Walks Investigation of Covert Chinese Biowafare Lab In USA

in #news3 months ago

Hopefully readers will be familiar with the basic outline of the planning, organization, and implementation of the 'solution' to the Covid19 plandemic that has claimed ~20M lives worldwide so far. At some time prior to 2018, principal conspirators from NIAID, CDC, FDA, Pfizer, Moderna, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and it's subsidiaries, the WHO, the University of North Carolina, the DOD, corporate media, surveillance state technocrats, and various and sundry scurrilous villains from the US biowarfare military industrial research complex finalized their scheme to use a GMO bat virus closely related to the common cold to extract $B's from governments globally, while testing a variety of modRNA genetic therapy medical devices without jumping through the onerous financial and regulatory burdens of the human trial bureaucratic nightmare.

Whether or not any of the formulations tested on unwitting and terrorized civilians were designed to kill, disease, or subject us to cybernetic modifications, or all of them were, we can at least be sure the above goals were set by the plotters, because that is what they have demonstrably achieved. For decades biowarfare labs have been offshored to CIA black sites in Georgia, like the Lugar Center, the Ukraine, where more than 2 dozen sites have been uncovered, and in similar regulatory backwaters, particularly the WIV (Wuhan Institute of Virology) in Wuhan, China. The WIV was especially blessed by the presence of Shi Zhengli, the 'Bat Lady', who had an extensive collection of bat viruses, substantial funding from the CCP, and lax security protocols consisting of a wink and a nod from Chinese biowarfare military officials.

When the DOD balked at directly funding the gain of function research at WIV, Peter Daszak of the Ecohealth Alliance was brought in as a cutout per CIA SOP, and Anthony Fauci of NIAID was able to fund the creation of SARS2 by Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina and Shi Zhengli of the WIV through the years immediately prior to the public debut of the SARS2 virus in 2019. The subsequent terrorizing of the civilian populations via outrageous fabrications of Marburg-like symptoms felling hordes of victims in mid-stride in Wuhan, China was rapidly spread to selected sites like Lombardy, E. Asia, and Peru. I need not recount the last four years of terrorism and profiteering for the purposes of this post.

In December, 2022, Jesalyn Harper, a City of Reedley code enforcement officer, was confronted with the discovery of what appeared to be a covert biological warfare lab in a reportedly vacant warehouse.

IMG source -

"Ms. Harper found inside what was supposed to be an unoccupied warehouse, thousands of vials of potentially infectious agents, including ones labeled as coronavirus, chlamydia, E. coli, streptococcus pneumonia, HIV, hepatitis, herpes, rubella, and malaria. A freezer was labeled “Ebola” and about 1,000 lab mice were kept for experimentation."

When she called the CDC for help, they hung up on her. That was in March 2023, months after Ms. Harper had first discovered the biolab in December 2022. While it seems like incredibly gross negligence to delay contacting the CDC for months following that discovery, code enforcement typically deals with nit-picking county building codes to extort fees and fines from exasperated homeowners and building contractors (increasing the cost of new construction by ~40%), so dealing with international conspiracies to slaughter humanity isn't typically in their wheelhouse.

Not only did the code enforcement bureaucracy of Reedley inexplicably delay acting on the existential threat to human survival, so did the CDC, that apparently still hasn't involved the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center, the government biodefense laboratory located in Fort Dietrich, Maryland, whose competence at handling biological warfare agents was demonstrated when it's proprietary strain of Anthrax was used in attempts to eliminate US Congress members opposed to passage of the Patriot Act in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. Vice President Dick Cheney was prescribed Cipro a week before his anthrax spore package was sent, revealing who was behind the biological terrorism by demonstrating foreknowledge.

Eventually the City of Reedley managed to get the contents of the lab freezers and the dead mice to an incinerator, and hopefully that potential vector of human extinction has been eliminated (although they're being sued for $80M by the mysterious Chinese corporations in absentia for destroying their property). However, the failure of the CDC and the aforementioned conspirators to secure their facility appears to me to be due to the already nominal success of the terrorist plot, ability to suppress news in the press about the site, and prudential management of financial resources which had no need to be expended cleaning up the lab, that had become superfluous. Since the CDC has become a primary vector of biological warfare on Americans, and by extension the West and the rest of the world, any outbreak of pestilence that emerged from the derelict lab would only profit their conspiracy (particularly in California, which is doing it's best to spread contagion by covering it's city streets with human feces), and any money spent on handling it's cleanup was money taken out of their personal pockets they could better invest in hookers and blow.

Despite the thousands of samples labeled as various flavors of genocidal pathogens, the CDC statement regarding their lackluster handling of the lab had this to say:

"As CDC determined that, at the time of the on-site review, there wasn’t evidence of violation select agent and toxin regulations, CDC does not have regulatory authority to unilaterally enter or seize materials,”

They tell us they're killing us with biological warfare agents without telling us they're killing us with biological warfare agents.

Upon consideration, I observe that government has become the vector of genocide, first through war, by claiming the monopoly on violence that renders civilian populations helpless against military force, and today via biological warfare we have been similarly rendered helpless against by being dependent on health care and medical institutions that have monopolized our biological maintenance. This is both unnecessary and clearly existentially hazardous. I have previously posted how a few biohackers created their own vaccine against SARS2 based on research (Youtube eventually deleted the videos that detailed their step by step demonstration of how to do it at home) and laboratory supplies commonly available to the public.

As means of production become more and more decentralized in every field of industry, centralized products that prior generations had to depend on before technology matured to the present state become vectors of criminal, even genocidal, hazard. We are censored and overloaded wit deranging propaganda in centralized media, subjected to coercive experimental testing of GMO medical devices, endocrine disrupting food and drink, chemical warfare of every kind by every conceivable vector, in fact, oligarchs funding political candidates that foster riotous criminality, even burning down our communities without imposing criminal penalties, blatant sexual grooming of schoolchildren in government schools, on corporate media, and through medically prescribed sexual mutilation, castration, and sterilization parents are prevented from countering, labeling public involvement in governmental affairs, such as school boards, municipal, county, and state legislative and bureaucratic affairs as terrorism, and now rushing into global war that is being used as an excuse to draft anyone that hasn't been jabmaxxed and trannified (or are hostile foreign covert agents that can be counted on to enjoy oppressing civilians) into brigades of cannon fodder that can be buried in the trenches they die in.

In every case, from every vector, the solution to the hazards is being competent to provide your own products, from food to weapons. Across every industry means of production have become able to be deploy on kitchen table tops, in closets, or garages, for larger items like flying cars. It isn't coincidental that March, 2023 was when Ms. Harper of the code enforcement bureaucracy of Reedley, CA reached out to the CDC to get them to clean up their mess, and the first launch of a 3D printed spacecraft, Terran 1, from Earth. These events are linked through both being aspects of the ongoing transition.

We are not just the witnesses to the transition from centralization to decentralization. We are the change - whether we're at the forefront of adoption of decentralized means of production and thrive in the new environment, or we are the dead ends, that failed to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Be the change, or be the price humanity pays to evolve. Just as our overlords cannot bribe, blackmail, or bamboozle the legislature that drafts the laws of physics, and so can only adapt the technology that most advances productivity or fail to compete, neither can we avoid the transcendence of centralization and the formerly necessary dependence on mass production, capitalism, and hierarchical management being deprecated for decentralized production, elimination of parasitic losses, and individual possession of the means of production and the independence from institutional control those both avail, and require.

Merit always produces success. Today the definition of merit is changing, from nepotism, parasitism, and conformity to the demands of overlords, to independence, productivity, and security from armed thugs projecting force for overlords. The world is transitioning from geopolitical human farms that have heretofore been the best security from murderous thieves, to feral communities that attain competence to fend off institutional military forces. Houthis demonstrate today grenade dropping drones literally made of sticks and childrens' toys that render $T carrier fleets useless in securing shipping lanes, guerrilla forces increasingly defeat government militaries in Afghanistan, Yemen, Myanmar, Mexico, and many more places around the world to create freeholds where globalists cannot parasitize the productivity of the people living there.

As 3D printing rapidly takes over manufacturing, aquaponics takes over food production from massive habitat destroying industrial monocropping, renewable non-point source production of power replaces megacorporation mineral fuel power plants, and social media replaces institutional indoctrination and propaganda, our freedom and prosperity increasingly depends on our own industry, while our subjugation to overlords increasingly exposes us to existential hazards such as toxic food, fuel shortages, mis, dis, and malinformation, violent abuse, penury, and degraded habitat and captivity.

Make your freedom, or it will be taken.


I see the root of the trouble in the corruption of leaders. If rulers really pursued the goals of caring for their voters and not their own profit, then the things you described would have been introduced from above. The state could date decentralization.
But as long as everything is tied to profit, the head of the corporation will always be able to win over any leader to his side to the detriment of the population, which is unable to offer anything other than the choice already made. Well, corporations, on the contrary, benefit from a monopoly, so they will happily spend any amount on buying the necessary politicians so that such decentralization never occurs and they do not lose their toaster market)

Is SputnikV is a part of a conspiracy theory or a forced alternative?
Belarus has coped with this crisis in an exemplary manner, too

Thanks, enlightening data!

Politicians do not control the laws of physics. Technology is possible because the laws of physics mandate particular technologies are more productive than others. As the factions managing corporations contest with one another for primacy, which cannot be stopped anymore than the mandates of physics can be, they will adopt higher productivity technology that provides them maximal benefit. Politicians are irrelevant to this process. Certainly they can ban plebs from using technology, and they do, but as long as intracorporate competitors are psychopaths, they will use the most productive technology, and that will create opportunities for that tech to be adopted by associates that become aware of it, particularly competitors.

No database can be secure, because of the nature of computers and the fact that physics works in both directions. When a monitor emits a photon because an electron hits a phosphor screen, that means that when a photon hits the phospor screen it will emit an electron. Every monitor is a camera, and every speaker is a microphone. As a result decentralized technology cannot be prevented from being adopted by people that want it bad enough. Maybe solar panels on the roof are too obvious, or windmills in the back yard, but geothermal can be used covertly, and in similar wise once technology arises, it will eventually disperse across the population.

Ironically, the fact that overlords are corrupt is what prevents them from preventing decentralization from dispersing and developing.

I can't see how SputnikV could be greatly different that other vaccines made in the way it is. Most vaccines I am aware of cause significant health problems. I won't take them.

I am surprised that for you the connection between corruption in the government, monopolies and obstacles to the widespread implementation of decentralized production is not obvious. To me it is more obvious than 2+2.
The more decentralized we become, the more losses corporations incur. And who do they dine with at the same table and socialize in the same circles? Right - politicians!
Can't we disagree on mutual benefits over a cup of something elite if you're the head of a corporation and I'm a corrupt politician? Provide me and my family with a prosperous existence, and I will provide your business with such legislative conditions or lobby that no competitor will be able to threaten you on the market.
That's why there are antitrust committees, so that international corporations don't have competitors in local markets)))

I agree that the speaker can be used as a microphone, but modern monitors don't have phosphors in their construction. A set of electronic components does not allow the noise to be processed into a signal. or rather, they're arranged in such a sequence that they can't conduct current in the opposite direction. This is precisely the physical limitations of the materials used.
It's much easier to gain access to your devices by sending you an infected email, or luring you to click on a malicious link. technically easier.

I'm not advertising the Sputnik, I was just wondering if you have information on this vaccine, or only the western ones?
The statistics on adverse reactions show that russia was forced to participate in the international covid agenda, but in order to preserve the safety of its own population, its own vaccine development was introduced.

Thanks for the interesting topics!

"The more decentralized we become, the more losses corporations incur."

Of course. But they do not - can not - serve that community. They all scrabble up from the bottom through the hierarchy. It is their nature that they do so, and those at the top do so best, out-weaseling all their brethren they hate and despise, because they are all after everything anyone else has including their stuff.

"...the factions managing corporations contest with one another for primacy..."

This includes politicians because all governments are corporations today. Either they are all psychopaths, utterly devoid of capacity to value people, incapable of empathy and only able to use people as stepping stones to their own increase, or they have learned to be sociopaths to do so.

They are all liars. They all cheat, and lie and cheat each other. They are incapable of honor, and amongst themselves most of all. They will never stop competing for advantage amongst themselves, and many of them simply can't, because their brains are broken and they cannot, being psychopaths. Because of this they cannot resist gaining advantage by every means necessary to outcompete their fellows, and will deploy every means to do so, including the most advanced technology, which today is necessarily decentralized. They can't not do so, or they'll be outcompeted. They can't honor agreements they can swindle. Vampires will feed on blood.

While a monitor may be capable of containing diodes that only pass physical processes in one direction, the fact is that modern cars are able to be hacked simply by shining lights on the vehicle lights, which creates charges that can contain malicious instructions to corrupt the programming and turn them into remote controlled deathtraps (and by many less technically demanding ways). Journalists have died this way in fact.

You're right that it is almost always easier to socially engineer than apply esoteric physics, but anything with a screen has chips factory backdoored anyway, and there is no such thing as online security from state actors. Opsec is only useful against script kiddies and rogue hax0rs.

I do not have specific information regarding Sputnik, or Sinovac. They're just not available here, so I have not been troubled to look into them, sorry.


Hopefully readers will be familiar with the basic outline of the planning, organization, and implementation of the 'solution' to the Covid19 plandemic that has claimed ~20M lives worldwide so far. At some time prior to 2018, principal conspirators from NIAID, CDC, FDA, Pfizer, Moderna, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and it's subsidiaries, the WHO, the University of North Carolina, the DOD, corporate media, surveillance state technocrats, and various and sundry scurrilous villains from the US biowarfare military industrial research complex finalized their scheme to use a GMO bat virus closely related to the common cold to extract $B's from governments globally, while testing a variety of modRNA genetic therapy medical devices without jumping through the onerous financial and regulatory burdens of the human trial bureaucratic nightmare.

Whether or not any of the formulations tested on unwitting and terrorized civilians were designed to kill, disease, or subject us to cybernetic modifications, or all of them were, we can at least be sure the above goals were set by the plotters, because that is what they have demonstrably achieved. For decades biowarfare labs have been offshored to CIA black sites in Georgia, like the Lugar Center, the Ukraine, where more than 2 dozen sites have been uncovered, and in similar regulatory backwaters, particularly the WIV (Wuhan Institute of Virology) in Wuhan, China. The WIV was especially blessed by the presence of Shi Zhengli, the 'Bat Lady', who had an extensive collection of bat viruses, substantial funding from the CCP, and lax security protocols consisting of a wink and a nod from Chinese biowarfare military officials.

Dear @valued-customer !

Do you claim that the coronavirus was created by the US and Chinese governments working together to create biological weapons?😨

I guessed that the government of the world I currently live in was using the coronavirus to depopulate!

"Do you claim that the coronavirus was created by the US and Chinese governments working together to create biological weapons?"

Yes, and no. The actual weapon are the jabs. The virus is just the excuse to jab people. Overlords cannot avoid contagion, but they can avoid jabs.

"I guessed that the government of the world I currently live in was using the coronavirus to depopulate!"

Because deadly viruses kill rich and poor, friend and foe, allies and enemies, alike, they are stupid weapons to use against victims. Better to use a common cold and tell terrified plebs it's a deadly plague so they'll line up to get the actually deadly jabs, that overlords can just avoid.
