
Sometimes I like to believe that alle the issues are mere internet content and do not happen in the real world. When I go out and talk to people on the street and I sniff the mood and atmosphere, they are more than happy to admit that screen time does bad to all of us, in the sense that it gets us hooked on problems. I like to think that certain problems are caused and debated where there are none. I know this is not really the case, though.

Don't know if I will watch the movie, but thanks for the recommendation anyways. I lately watch youtubers who offer mere crafts content, without any moderation whatsoever, without any political content. I am a crafter myself and am sick and tired of every object/item/product being taken as if it has political relevance.
No offense to you - just got my hive dose and posted something myself.
Have a good day.

I also enjoy crafting, restorations of elegant, old tech, homesteading, and similar apolitical content. I spend a lot of time reading papers on human evolution, tech advances in decentralized means of production, neurology, and psychology. But the import of the political machinations ongoing in America directly affects me and mine, so I do pay a lot of attention to them and undertake to understand how they are effected. This leads me to give a lot of consideration to corruption, because that is a fundamental driver of political formation and, I suspect, is as predictable as formation of sediment layers in lacustrine geology.

Climate the Movie demonstrates how funding mechanisms have created the Climate Alarmism industry, which I find a satisfying confirmation of my hypothesis, and, frankly, more alarming than climate evolution. The quality of the production makes the underlying discussion highly palatable, and I hope enables many people that find both politics and science dry and intolerably complex, and boring, to watch it and understand how the climate scam has become such a potent political driver of the economy.

Politics is a collective process fundamental to centralization that has driven the evolution of civilization for millennia. Humanity is transcending a clinal boundary from centralization to decentralization which will usher in extraordinary prosperity and freedom that will enable an immense leap in human felicity, but only for those that grasp the benefits of seizing means of production suitable to their personal circumstances. I believe Climate the Movie has potential to enable many people that might not otherwise make that transition to do so.

I am pretty sure you are ahead of the curve already. While you might find confirmation of your understanding satisfying, I doubt you're at risk of being left dependent on centralization and collective political machinations and the abject penury and suffering that will entail. Enjoy the movie at your leisure, or better spend your time improving your abilities to produce yourself your necessities and the blessings of civilization you intend to enjoy, as you prefer.


You give me too much credit. I made many dumb decisions in my life. I am working on coming to terms with them. I am giving no predictions how society is going to be, since I am not in the position, I suppose. Only on a more optimistic note, I am positive about us humans that we don't let ourselves to be too dumbed down when things start to become really crazy. Humanity puts itself constantly to the test. Failure and success may held itself in balance though, but what is perceived in a human beings lifetime are tilts towards one or the other extreme. To stay cool headed about it, is crucial, I think.

I read an excellent book about the climate change topic. In one part it speaks about models of prediction and how false these models can be.

I also enjoy crafting, restorations of elegant, old tech, homesteading, and similar apolitical content

It helps to stay grounded, I agree.

Thank you for the preview. It sounds interesting and entertaining

It's actually not a preview, but the production. I hope you enjoy it.


@joeyarnoldvn claimed that global warming and natural environmental changes are false!

Thank you for good article!

By the way, My English listening skills are low, so it will be difficult to understand!😂

Your skills at mastering the barbaric grunts of English speakers will be improved by your diligent efforts.


Thanks for the enjoyable and informative movie link! The narrator and music gave it an easy story feel to it.

I felt it had great production values, as well. Too often the sources of the facts to debunk psyops become dry and esoteric. That was very much not the case here.


Sometimes I wonder when somebody rebutting stuff like that seems a bit off, that they are there to serve the narrative. Like when CNN had the CrossFire program and had a clever young liberal debating a crusty old conservative. But, maybe scientists can just be odd sometimes. Actors, on the other hand, can present themselves as competent if that is in their script.

Tony Heller, whom I have followed for years, doesn't get play on CNN, and nowhere on corporate media is his name mentioned.

That's how you know he's real.

War against terrorism. War against drugs. War against money laundering. War against immigration. War against overpopulation. War against global warming. War against climate change. War against freedom of expression. War against individual freedoms. War against what may be true and what may not.... They are all multiple and diverse episodes of the same plot of the old and failed US Patriot Act flick.

"...the same plot of the old and failed US Patriot Act flick."

It's far older than that. Pretty sure the Romans didn't pioneer such Machiavellian manipulations, that seem to me to be fundamental to the formation of polities.


That's true. And of course these Machiavellian manipulations must not only be much older than those of Roman times. Since in my opinion, they probably come from Göbekli Tepe. };)

But that for the more contemporary context of these new slogans "War against whatevah" old flick that I commented above. I believe that this new version of Machiavellian manipulations only dates back to September 11, 2001.