Shots Fired - Pfizer being sued

in #news6 months ago

IMG source -

Pfizer and Tris Pharma are being sued by the State of Texas for fraud. Sadly this isn't regarding the jabs, but Quillivant XR, a stimulant intended for ADHD patients. Even more sadly, the State of Texas wants the money, and I read of no intention to provide relief to any patients that suffered.

However, another lawsuit against Pfizer Pfraud will scuff the shine off Big Pharma, and will increase the number of people that realize how the jabs were a scam, too. Pfizer has violated it's contracts to provide safe and effective jabs with the US DOD, and has no immunity from suit at law as a result. Fraud voids immunity. Only corrupt courts (ahem) will preserve immunity fraudulent claimants assert.

I have little confidence in courts, and the Jan 6th convictions and witchhunt have reduced it further. Will this open the floodgates? We'll see.


Sadly, although corporations are "people" in the court's eyes, not a single one has ever been executed nor even jailed. Fines are simply "cutting the government in" on the grift. When I see a company forced to completely stop operations for a few years (like a jail sentence) or dissolved completely with its assets sold to competing conpanies (the "death penalty"), then I will believe that there is truly justice among the "legal system".

I could not agree more. Even with those more equitable measures, the very human suffering of those sentences isn't experienced by corporations, that are unborn, inhuman, and unfeeling. It may not be equitable, but it may be enough to seek just sanctions from corporations as you suggest.


There is more fraud in the pharmaceutical company than you can imagine. Gradually it will come to light

I am sure you're right, despite I have a vivid imagination.


This kind of shit needs to stop. Let's hope the Pfizer lawsuit above adds enough straw to the camel to back it down. Missouri vs Biden is being litigated now. Let's hope the straw keeps on bearing on the camel until it never rises again.