Edit with me #11

in #photoediting6 years ago (edited)

Hey guys

I'm back in Hawaii and it's amazing! Yesterday @kryptocek and I went to see turtles being released into the ocean and after we celebrated 4th of July with beers and fireworks! It was a great day. Here's my daily edit!

image_6483441 (2).jpg

image_6483441 (2).JPG

Next to each other
Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at 20.17.42.png

How did you celebrate 4th of July?

Happy Thursday!

thumbnail_Josefine smaller .jpg


You my friend are adorable ;) I'm actually surprised how happy you are for the amount of wind there was!

I know right? Probably because of the photographer lol

I must go there too and photography this mountains :)

Yes, you should! But be careful out there :-)

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