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RE: One Strike

in #photofeed6 years ago

So was it captured via burst or how was it done? Looks amazing.

We had an IFC challenge where we had to photograph lightning and for someone who've never done it, it was quite an experience.

I only had a mobile phone so I had to take a video in order to even have a screenshot of a lightning. 😂


I used an electronic device called a lightning trigger which automatically opens the cameras shutter when the lightning flashes. But even that was complicated and difficult to use but it worked! Shooting video is the easy way. Thanks!

Whoa that's high tech! Didn't know there's such a device. Cool. 👍

Yeah vids are the easy way but the picture will be just low quality screenshots. 😁 At least now I know we need to have something like u use.

Posted using Partiko Android

Your right about that. I shoot for high image quality because I sell enlarged prints. A lot of my work is shot with medium format equipment of the highest quality for that reason.