Copenhagen Trip - Mobile photography

in #photofeed6 months ago

So while I give all my late work to my editor, and luckily I don't have to sit on the computer trying to move clips around, I decided to go to Copenhagen - I never been in Nordic countries, yet I didn't know what to expect, will I like it? Will I cope with the high prices - well it was only a long weekend, so it doesn't matter when you travel you don't care about money you just travel.

My first impression of Copenhagen, Denmark wasn that I'm not so impressed and uninspired, I was trying to find something what I never seen before but to be honest it was hard. Obviously I've notice that people love to sit outside on the cold and drink alcohol or eat, I've notice that a lot of men walking with the buggy and the kids in it unlikely other places I've been, blonde women with blue eyes, no traffic, great public transport almost perfect age distribution in society.

So walking around for my first uninspired days was just well, it is what it is, then there was another two days which I would like to share in future post as this is change my mind about Copenhagen.

Here are few images of what I've seen while walking during windy, cold and gray day in the city - I took all of them with my phone, yet I used one of my moody preset which I've made using lightroom app.

I think pictures below give the sense of why Nordic films has specific feel about them - and that is what I felt while I've been there.










I found you