Croatia #3 - Adriatic Sea and Nature

in #photofeed19 days ago

Hi Friends!

During the second day of our stay in Croatia we decided to look for more natural looking beach.
I found a spot on map at the end of the Island Čiovo where we stayed - Beach was called Kava and was situated near the village Okrug Donji.

The day was windy and the sea quite wavy but the colors of Adriatic Sea... Madness! - just take a look at these 2 shots...



Water was warm enough for bathing - I was the only person that day who was brave enough to swim - my parents and wife prefer to stay dry this time. Wind was strong but warm - after going out from the water I didn't even feel cold so for me, it was perfect temperature.
Also my son was brave enough as well to walk with me into water but he is not a swimmer yet so we just played with the waves for a short while.

On the beach we found many different sea creatures like crabs, shrimps, different fish and starfish.


I am a person who don't like to stay in place for too long - especially in full sun light - so I took my camera and I walked to nearby spotted old quarry to look for interesting creatures, plants and get know the area little bit more.

Below You can see the results - there are some different flowering plants, the quarry wall and the best finds of the day - beautiful and rare (in Poland) butterfly called Scarce swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius) and very beautiful flowers of Passion Fruit (Passiflora edulis)



This is how we spent the first half of the day - about the second one I will tell You in my next post so stay tuned :).

It was hot day, sun was burning fast so I prefered not to stay in place for too long, anyway, that day, we all get a bit of sun burns here and there...

May is amazing in Croatia, I had a feeling that every plant is flowering this time of the year. The sounds, smells and look of the nature around me was very exotic and it was something I expected there and wished to experience :).





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