Second Blanket of Frozen Snow Makes Everything Twice as White!

in #photography2 years ago (edited)


Having already been blessed to wake up to gorgeous wintry white views on Friday, I wasn’t expecting more of the same the next morning, but sure enough I woke up yesterday morning to an even prettier scene than the previous day, the coating of snow covering most everything but the dirt itself now twice as thick and twice as white, with everything but the ground now turned fully snow-white - and most amazing of all, and unusual, was how so little snowfall there was to create this winter wonderland!





The contrast between the dirt-colored ground and the white landscape above it that I attempted to capture in the above photos was stunning, I thought, and a sight I am not at all used to seeing. Meanwhile, neither the grass nor the oak trees out front were nearly so white the day before, a friendly reminder that even when life is beautiful, it can typically always become even more beautiful in an instant!


They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and I’m sure it’s true, but also true that photos often fail to capture the totality of the beauty of nature as seen by the naked eye, and below was my attempt to capture that beauty I saw as I was looking up through the snow-coated chicken run wire at the tall and snow-coated pair of trees towering over it…


And last of the photos of this gorgeous morning I thought worth sharing was of the large elm tree seen below, with the sun shining through the branches and glistening upon the crystallized snow still clinging to the tree.


So glad I took pictures of the scenery first thing in the morning when I did, because unlike the day before, yesterday the sun came out in full force, and within a matter of hours all of that unique beauty had very quickly melted away. This time the friendly reminder being that nothing on this earth lasts forever, so take the time to soak in the beauty of life when it’s there, for it might just be gone in the blink of an eye.