Do you like corncob, for mi is the best.

in #photographylovers2 months ago


We usually with my dad always every year, have a great harvesting of corncob, always we get a big and great harvesting, and as you see in this photos the corn are bigger than others year, the Thick are very notable they are not a think corncob.



With this you can made a lot of food, you can get rosters corn, or boiled corn, and the form is delicious, alone or with cream, ketchup or mayonnaise always corncob is a delicious.



What more can you do, well one time ago I written about tamales, fried blender corncob, atole, roaster blender corncob, you can do a versatile dessert to share with your family and friends, for this reason is glorious received this kind of harvesting, we have the pleasure to enjoy this in a lot of form.

Thanks for coming photos own and English mistakes too.



Me encanta la mazorca , tiene todos los usos que mencionas , una crema de esto queda deliciosa .
Te deseo un feliz día y que DIOS te bendiga.
Recuerdas a tu padre , dicen que olvidamos , NO es así , vivimos con esto y nunca olvidamos .
Un abrazo